Sunday 3 September 2017

Sunday Selfies!

So first up I have to say I am Sorry for only posting Sunday Selfies lately.I'm Afraid Mummy has been a bit Busy lately so she hasn't been able to help me with my blogs But hopefully things will settle a bit now.Anyway here's my latest adventure....
Starting with my Selfie!

As you can see me and mum went for a bit of a Hike up a tor no less!

If you get the Chance hop on over to Carma for my Latest Roving Report!


  1. That is a beautiful area, Speedy.... Purrseidon envies your outings.

  2. Picture #2 is just stunning, Speedy!
    You look like the King Bunny Of The World, up there! 🐰
    ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 🐰 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  3. Such wonderful scenery and beautifully shot selfies too, it's like you were made to be there...
    Toodle pip and purrs

  4. That was quite a hike you and your human took, Speedy! You got some nice photos out of it, though!

  5. Oh Speedy, look at you up at the Moors! Now you tell mum to be at ease, to do what she must with her duties; you are greatly loved and missed, but many of us are busy too. Life is good, but hectic at times! Enjoy the scenery little boy.

  6. Oh my cat Speedy what a great exploration! Dad and all of us are so jealous! Purrs
    Timmy and Family

  7. It looks like Stonehenge for small critters.

  8. That was a beautiful area. Great selfies.

  9. Mee-you Speedy if wee lived there mee wood have climmed thee TOR with you!!! What a kewl lookin place!! An yur Selfie iss pawsum mee deer furend...
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xXXx

  10. That's quite an adventure, Speedy and Mum. And what a wonderful set of selfies! :)

  11. Speedy, those are fantastic selfies and such beautiful scenery. You're lucky to live in such a lush, green climate.

  12. That's a beautiful place for a walk, Speedy ! Nice selfie ! Purrs

  13. Looks like that was quite a hike, Speedy! You must have been tired afterwards. :)

  14. Speedy, what a gloriously beautiful spot for a hike. Mom says it reminds her of where the Hobbits live. Your selfie turned out purrfectly. Your white furs are brilliant against the background of the green grass. Thanks so much for hopping with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  15. Your hike was worth it for your lovely selfies, Speedy.

  16. Speedy your countryside is so beautiful! Your Mum needs to make a picture book for children of photographs of you playing in the countryside. I think children would love it! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  17. Yur always worth the wait, Speedy!!!

  18. what a wonderful selfie and a grand adventure, Speedy!!
    Jakey & Arty

  19. We always love your selfies Speedy! We understand busy, it found my Dad too!

  20. Beautiful scenery!

    Mum really wishes she lived in an area like that.

    Purrs xx

  21. Oh, we LOVE those adventure photos, especially the one with you and the tall rocks!

  22. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow those ar sum big and fantastikal rocks wot yoo ar hopping arownd!!! it luks like their shud be sum elves or sumthing their with yoo!!! ok bye

  23. You are in a beautiful landscape too !

  24. Oh, Speedy, what a picturesque picture the second picture is. Looks a little like Speedy in Wonderland :) Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead :) <3

  25. Gosh this is one gorgeous place!! We appreciate the photographs.

    Happy (late) Sunday Selfie

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  26. Speedy, little dude we luvs seeing all your adventures and the pics today are just EPIC!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  27. what a lovely area to explore Speedy!


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