Thursday 28 September 2017

Some Adventuring and some Hedgehog Planing!

Hi Everyone....Finally mummy is home from work and its a dry day with some sunny spell....and that means I get to go out on a little adventure and mummy gets to try out my new carrier again!Yay for Me!
Yep I couldn't contain my excitement so off I went!

Autumn is definitely here the ferns are nearly all brown and the trees are changing colour and dropping their leaves fast but it was still pleasent out in the sun today!
Just chilling by the river!
Is that a tasty morsel of grass just for me?
So that was my Adventure today!

Now on to the Hedgehog Planing!So mummy has been trying to get Mickey on the web came but once he moved back in to the greenhouse it doesn't look like he's been going up the front garden much at all so she made a little weather box for the web cam to protect it from the elements so she could see if Mickey is even going out of the greenhouse.So here is the view,but in night vision it will look different ,so keep your paws crossed Mickey shows himself tonight!


  1. I hope Mickey shows up tonight. That looked like a nice walk on the moors for you.

  2. That looks like a fun time you were having there Speedy! Mickey is so fortunate to have you there!

  3. What a fun adventure, Speedy! I hope Mickey shows up on the cam.

  4. Thank you, Speedy for sharing your exciting day!
    Such beautiful Autumn colors to explore! Looks wonderful to me!
    Looking forward to seeing Mickey. But how wonderful he has you for a 'big brother' to help show him around. <3

  5. Mickey must have some terrier in him because he is so independent.

  6. SPEEDY BUNNY! Good morning and what a lovely sunny outing you had! Enjoy that juicy, sweet grass because before you know it, winter will come. Oh how I love you!

  7. Hiya Speedy, that is some beautiful countryside that mew get to explore!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  8. What a lovely outing! Fall hasn't arrived here yet, but we hope it does soon.

  9. Hopefully we see Mickey soon!

  10. A hedge hog will what a hedge hog wants. Not until!


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