Monday 11 March 2019

Bunny Mortality by Speedy's Mum

I have been dreading writing this post because it brings into question Speedy's own mortality something that I am dreading one day facing.But after Miss Lola Bun's crossing of the Bridge I do have to face one fact Speedy is getting older and he is showing signs of his age.

For weeks Speedy has been having an issue in his sleep den....during the night he has not been using his litter tray and we did wonder if he had a UTI but down stairs where he free ranges he has no problem so it couldn't be that....

It looks like Speedy has a touch of arthritis and it looks like it is in his front legs or paws so when he gets up he finds it difficult to hop in the litter tray ,so we did away with the tray and lined the bottom of his den with puppy training pads where the litter tray used to be and bob's your uncle Speedy went back to going toilet in his usual area where the pads are.

The vets have been warning us about Speedy's weight and arthritis for years and that we needed to get him slimmer....easier said than done!I measure out his food he is on the bare minimum and we can only cut back to that point so all we can do is getting him moving about which we are doing as best as we can....that's why we get him out on adventures when we can but that is weather permitting so it is a constant battle to control his weight.Speedy weighs between 3.3kg and 3.5kg Ideally he should be below 3kg to 2.5kg.

So what can we do?Well all we can do is try to get his weight down and there is a joint supplement for rabbit which has natural anti inflammatories to help with pain that we can try or we can try CBD hemp oil  if the supplements don't help or we have to go to the vet for painkiller.For now we are going to try the joint supplement and try to make things a bit more comfortable in the home.

But all this does bring home that Speedy won't be around forever the thing that I hate the most and dread facing


  1. it's always sad to see a bunny getting older, but it's great that Speedy still gets out and about and enjoys all his adventures

  2. That is something that all humans have to deal with, and it is so hard for them. I will be five in a little over a week, and my human is wondering where the time has flown! Of course I will be around for a very long time, but it's clear I haven't been a kitten for, um, years now. And Binga and Boodie are on the far end of senior.

  3. Oh dearest Rachel....I too dread it. If I'm honest, I sometimes get worried to open up your page because I fear hearing something I don't want to hear. We love Speedy and there has been such fun and joy spread in Blogland because of pets like Speedy, friends like you, and experiences that have shaped my creativity. I have been grieving the loss of a special blog friendship, the absence of a dear friend whose creativity brought so much joy but she is no longer in Blogland, and so many other relationships. All we can do is hold on to LOVE, that never, ever dies.

  4. Yes, it's always a sad thing, I'm older too and some days it shows, other days not so much. We hope our Speedy pal and lots and lots of great days ahead.

  5. We so understand your fears and concerns. We are so very sorry to hear about Lola Bun. But remember that every day you have had and will have with Speedy is a day of joy and love. Try to think about today and not worry about what tomorrow may bring. Speedy is so loved and so well cared for, and he knows that too. We hope you can find the right mix of exercise and meds to keep his arthritis from getting too bad.

    Hugs and Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  6. It's going to happen to everyone-including Speedy. Get a parrot and the bird grieves for you.

  7. We are here for you and Speedy. These are beautiful pictures. I especially love the last one. It seems to really epitomize the whole notion of all we have is this golden moment. I hate to think of Speedy being stressed out by too sharp a cutback in his diet. They always say rapid weight loss isn't good. I don't know what CBD hemp oil is, but if you think it might be a good idea at some point, then I am sure it will be. In the meantime, go massage that bunny for me. I understand that they really like head massages so don't forget those. Love you all.

  8. speedy....dood....we R sorree.... thiz soundz sillee but due they make "stairs" for bunz like they due for catz N dawgz...ore sum thin similar ya could use ta help arthur ituzz.....♥♥♥

  9. It's always so hard to see our beloved pets start to get older. But we have to try and not think of what's to come but rather treasure every single day that we have. Hugs!

  10. So hard - got to remember all the good times and the good you did for Speedy!!!! Sad about Lola and Jade too - bunny buddies for a looooong time!

  11. Dear Rachel, I'm having trouble leaving a comment but did reply to yours at my farewell post. Please try the CBD. My heart is with you and the dearest bun bun in the world xoxox

  12. I know just how you feel. It is so sad that our pets are with us for such a short time.

  13. Have you tried getting him off the pellets and give him leafy greens like kale and dandelion greens as well as timmothy hay?

  14. back when I had rabbits I was told you didn't need to give adults pellets at all, as long as they had access to fresh hay they were fine..

    But I have no idea if bit of info that will work for you or not. I hope you find something that makes Speedy feel better.

  15. We're purring and praying that some weight loss and something for the arthritis makes Speedy feel better soon.

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Precious bunny! It's SOOO great that Speedy is enjoying a long life with people who love him so very much. Lots of love!

  17. I love Speedy and he is the luckiest and coolest bunny we know!

  18. Charlee: "Aww Speedy we're sorry to hear that age is catching up with you."
    Chaplin: "We don't like this whole aging thing and wish it could be done away with."
    Charlee: "But since it can't, we are sending you all our Hipster purrs for you stay with us for many more comfortable years."


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