Friday 22 March 2019

No More Scares Mr Speedy!

This Fellow gave us a scare this morning,when we woke up Speedy wouldn't get up.I gave him his cuddle and then his breakfast.....Not interested in his food!
Seems he had gas.I had to go to work,So daddy gave him lots of water,Gas drops (infacol) and some very gentle tummy rubs and then a dose of gut stimulant after a hour or two he was back to normal...pigging out on all his food again.

A lot of people don't realise that their bunny might have gas and don't treat them for it straight away.They then take their bunny to the vets but by that time its too late and the bunny is in full blown GI stasis and have an emergency on their hands.We always keep Infacol (Baby Gas drops) in the house for this very purpose.

                                                   No More Scares Mr Speedy!!!


  1. You are very smart humans! Speedy is so lucky to have you.

  2. I'm glad you knew what to do. It's good that he's feeling better.

  3. Whew, glad Speedy is OK, and even more glad that you are able to recognize the signs. Stay well, Speedy.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  4. Oh good gracious....I would have panicked, but you are such good bunny parents! Yes Sir Speedy, NO.MORE.SCARES!!!

  5. Good move Mom and Dad, quick is good. Speedy, I agree, no more scares my friend.

  6. OK, you're a teenage mutant ninja binny.

  7. Great job Mum and Dad! Speedy is so very lucky to have such attentive parents. I keep the baby gas drops on hand here at all times too. They're a lifesaver!

  8. We're glad you're OK, Speedy ! Your pawrents are the best ! Purrs

  9. Charlee: "Whoa, Speedy, that sounds scary! We didn't know that sort of thing happened to bunnies!"
    Chaplin: "We're very glad that your humans were prepared and that you are feeling better!"

  10. We sure are glad your Mum and Dad are so smart, Speedy!


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