Sunday 17 March 2019

Sunday Selfies Time for St Patrick's Day!

Happy St Patrick's Day to you all,I hope the day brings you all the Luck of the Irish!
Well it's been a funny old week ,what with the stormy weather and mum dipping in to the garden in th 5 dry minutes we've had and battling against the winds we did manage to do this.....
My new Treasure Chest....its a 1600's or 1700's strong box...the base broke off many moons ago as did the door.Mummy brought home from a friends farm.They let her have so mummy could make a nice feature out of it!The best make it look lovely!
Then mummy ordered a new Hedgehog house to use as a feeding station in the front Garden.We have 2 Hedgehogs coming most nights a big one which we think is Reggie and a smaller one....I guess the local Hedgehog are getting to hear about a new Dinner in town!As for Mr Mickey he is still at the rescue,as they are waiting for the weather to improve before releasing the hedgehogs in their care back to where they come from.So he could be back next week or the week after.Hopefully the other Hedgehog box that mummy ordered will be here before Mr Mickey comes home otherwise she will have to repair the old one.
Mummy is still doing a bit more planting and has some seeds to sow for the bees and butterflies so there will be many more garden reports to come as it all starts to grow and flower!


  1. Hello sweet Speedy boy and mum! YOU TWO are awesome, always spreading greetings that bring us joy. May you enjoy the coming of a proper spring, with sunshine and warmth! We are seeing small signs of warmer weather, and how happy it makes us all feel. HUGS TO YOU!

  2. Happy St Patrick's Day, Speedie!

    What a wonderful treasure chest you have!

    I hope Mr Mickey is back in your garden soon, lovely that you have hedgehogs there

  3. Happy St Patricks day to you, Speedy!
    We love the treasure chest you have, though guess any mice that were held up there have long since escaped through the open door, MOL. It does look like an awesome planter though, and just in time for the spring weather are are due.
    We look forwards . to seeing your new Hog House, and wondered if you will be doing guided tours to the prospective users? ;)
    Purrs for a dry, calm, and safe week ahead.

  4. Happy St. Patrick's Day y'all. Hmmm, I wonder if hedgehogs would make good play partners...

  5. Beautiful selfies. Happy St Patrick's Day.
    Sue B

  6. You look terrific Speedy! Happy St. Patrick’s Day from all of us!

  7. Happy St Patrick's Day! Great selfie! That's a pawsome treasure chest.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Happy St. Patrick's Day - may the luck of the Irish be with you all!

  9. Happy St. Patrick's Day to our favorite Bunny! Mwah!

  10. We love your new treasure chest, Speedy. And how kind of Mum to get another hedgehog house to accommodate your latest visitor. Paws crossed that Mickey comes home soon. :)

  11. i think your mum is the patron saint of hedgehogs.

  12. What a cool looking new treasure chest!!
    Happy St. Patrick's Day!
    Rosy, Arty & Jakey

  13. Your treasure chest is terrific ! Happy St Patrick's Day ! Purrs

  14. Mum is doing great things for the hedgehogs isnn't she. Well done her and this is wonderful.

    Have a wonderful Sunday, and a happy St Gertrude's Day.(and don't worry if you can't comment Speedy, I sometimes have to do seven of those 'click the zebra crossing things before I get to comment on some blogs!)

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew

  15. Thanks for the card. Wishing you a rainbow of happiness.

  16. Lookin good there fellow. Lookin nice outside there too!

  17. How sweet of your mum to get another hedgehog house. Happy St. Patrick's Day! XO

  18. That is a very nice treasure chest - and the flowers are beautiful too.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

    Woos - O'Lightning, O'Misty, and O'Timber

  19. Nice selfie, Speedy! It sounds like your human is getting to be quite the hedgehog whisperer!

  20. We missed out on wishing you a Happy St. Patrick's Day sweet Speedy, but we dropped in to wish you and your sweet mom a very happy day today. Hugs and nose kisses Chancy and Mags


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