Sunday 3 March 2019

If you go down to the woods today....Join me on my trek!

last week end and the beginning of this week we had the best spring like weather so we kept going to my favourite woods so I said to mummy why don't we film the whole trek so that you could all come along too!

So there you have it my trek to my woods....thanks for coming along with with me!


  1. Wow, what a cool adventure!

  2. What a great adventure, and some awesome weather too. So sad that we now have wind and rain. Heres to happy memories and looking to summer adventures :)

  3. Oh Speedy boy, how fun it is to walk with you and mummy into the English is my dream to go there and maybe find you and other British friends! The green, lush moss and birds singing, it's all magic. Be well my friends!

  4. Speedy it was very nice to join you on a lovely walk in the woods.

  5. Glad you had a good trek in the woods while the weather was so good.

  6. Thanks for taking us along Speedy, that was fun!

  7. Speedy, we really enjoyed seeing you walking in the woods. :)

  8. Your trek in the woods looks like lots of fun ! Purrs

  9. What a lovely walk with a lovely bunny!

  10. We are late coming to visit for the selfies, sorry! I love seeing your trip to the woods it looks lovely!

    Have a great week!

    Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew


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