Tuesday 1 May 2012

Speedy's cardboard activity centre!

Here's Speedy's other new toy,a cardboard activity centre.With all the bad weather that we have been having Mum has been trying to make me new things to stop me from getting bored when I have my playtime inside.First dad made me a stick hidy tunnel then mum made me a red scarf to play with thanks to Lorna's idea in her story,then mum made me my paper snow balls and then she turned my hidy box into a activity centre with funny things hang off it and more paper snow balls inside it too!

And this is me pooped out from playing!


  1. That. Is. AWESOME!!! It's like a bunny townhouse/spa!! And wee Speedy looks peacefully pooped from playing! I need to make something like this for my wee buns...

    *puts on thinking cap & reaches for cardboard box*

  2. what an ADORABLE idea!! It could be used for kitties too!!!

  3. My goodness but they keep you hopping. Good you get some down time Speedy!

    1. Don't worry RG I get plenty of down time too!

  4. Oooo.. I think I want your Mum to build me a play centre.. Think she'd want a trip to British Columbia, Speedy? :)

    1. I think you are very talented your self and you would probably make a better one...TeeHee!


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