Sunday 27 May 2012

Where did you go Speedy?

A sleepy Speedy this morning,but that did not last as when he went out for a run about this afternoon somebody left the gate to dads mums house open.Who decided to go on an adventure? Speedy that's who and his other Grandma found him in her house,in her lounge!But that's not the only place Speedy went as he was covered in dirty cob webs!Where did you go Speedy on your adventure?Not telling us are you as it your little secret.May be Lorna knows?TeeHee...teehee!


  1. Whatever you did, Speedy, glad you returned safely!

    1. I had fun but its my secret but I always come back safe and sound.:)Speedy!

  2. Glad to hear your adventures always bring you back safely! What an appropriate name you have!

  3. That's my biggest fear, that Umbra would get out! You're lucky that Speedy was returned

  4. Speedys mum here,speedy can't go to far into grandma's as the back gardens are secure,so he can only go into her house or around her back garden and our garden is secure too.but it was a little funny as when she chased speedy back he had big black cobwebs all over his head so had been put his nose in some where,who knows what.

  5. I'm thinking you'll NEVER tell, Speedy!
    ; ) Katie

  6. I'm betting it involves that "magic closet" of his--he was probably visiting Lorna for some blueberries!

  7. Speedy was looking for treats I bet!

  8. Speedy does know how to have a good time ....

  9. These ornery bunnies! I am so glad Speedy is home safe! Speedy, do NOT scare us like that, you sweetheart! I am glad you got to run around, though!


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