Tuesday 8 May 2012

This is mine,all mine!

Speedy declares ownership of the house!He tries to be such a bossy boots."I hear you Speedy!But you're wrong.Its mine you just think its yours"silly bunny!

This is mine,do you hear me?!
A quick Heads up,Lorna from Fuzzy Creatures has done another bunny fiction and its a very funny and good read!check it out from my blog roll.


  1. Hello, I am writing you from France to ask if possible information on your rabbits. I would like to know what the breed, the name of these rabbits, they look very calm and quite large! Here in France there are several kinds of rabbits, we tried twice to keep them but after a while the rabbits get a bit aggressive, while yours look very nice now I will be happy if you could m help .. Friends of France, marylin

    1. Big White Rabbits like Speedy and Luna are the best bunnies. Bunnies are never aggressive unless they are trying to tell you they need something. If they've been abused, or neglected, hurt, or too warm or too cold. Bunnies need to be housed inside. They need to have companionship (two neutered / spayed rabbits who get along with each other - just like humans some rabbits get along and some don't ... plan for some time to find a bonded pair). Being alone or in confined quarters can make a rabbit neurotic. Happy house bunnies who have clean places to live and use the restroom, with plenty of fresh water and good quality pellets and 80% of their diet should be Timothy hay available to them all the time and about 2 cups of greens twice per day will seldom be aggressive. Most do not like to be picked up; however, some will hop in their "slave's" laps once they get comfortable with their surroundings. You must take precautions not to allow the bunnies any access to things they could chew that they are not supposed to ...b ecause they will. Poop happens. Just sweep it up. Pee should only happen in a litter box. If it happens elsewhere, the bun is trying to tell you something. Most likely that you have their litter box in the wrong place but sometimes it could be a urinary tract problem. Hope this helps. Adopt and plan for a 10 - 13 year commitment! Himalayans are the best breed ... any big white bun with red eyes will give you a great chance of getting a calm and docile forever fur friend!

    2. Bonjour! (I'll skip torturing you further with my French Canadian destruction of the language ;) )

      Big White Bunnies are happy, friendly, puppy bunnies. The same for Flemish Giants. Typically, as with dogs, the bigger a bunny is, the mellower and happier it is.

      Typically a bunny gets aggressive when it goes through puberty. My Sage bunny, I kid you not, would hop into the living room, thump twice to make sure she had my attention, let out a big dramatic sigh and flomp in the middle of the floor. Total female teenager mode! :D

      Bunnies are much like toddlers. Affectionate on their terms, not liking to be restrained, put everything in their mouth, need naps and cleaning up after and are mischievous little buggers the rest of the time. :)

    3. Lorna, you are so funny! Bunnies each have their own personalities, don't they??? My Harly boy is that puppy dog, mushy lover! I have a drama queeen ... she is actually my big Luna Bun, my Himalayan. But, she's a lover. I just get quite a few bunny butts of snug from her and some tremendous thumps!

    4. I think SixBunnies and Lorna has pretty much covered everthing.but every breed has different character trates,my dutch was very aggressive even after being neutered until he was 2,he would let me touch him without a bite then he settled and loved his cuddles all the time he was a lot of hard work but very rewarding.my lop was different again he was very loveable from the start but he did have his moments even chase cats off out of the garden.and now there's Speedy loving but but very cheeky

  2. Ok ... me thinks that Speedy owns the house and you just haven't accepted it yet ... Speedy ... keep trying... Hoomins are really slow sometimes ... it'll take a while! :)

  3. I think its very generous of Mr Speedy to let you live in his den. :)

  4. You know...us cats have a lot in common with you bunnies.
    heh heh...
    ; ) Katie

  5. Speedy, you have not quite got the message soaked in about who does and who does not "own" the house. But keep at it - they are so slow.

  6. we hear ya speedy! No one is gonna mess with you!

  7. Ah my Speedy the lovable rogue,Houdini,bouncer,,snuggler,nibbler,cuddly little teenage dare devil who plot mischief and mayham every where he goes and a whole lot more!

  8. It's Speedy's world...we just live in it!! :D x


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