Wednesday 13 March 2013

Last 44 hours to vote for Speedy!

Hi everyone we are down to the last 44 hours of voting for Speedy in the World Spay Day Pet Pageant by the Humane Society So please everyone can we have one last push on voting for Your Pal Speedy!
Thanks from Speedy and Mum

For those that sent get well messages for Me my ear has cleared up and the vertigo has gone so luckily it wasn't an ear infection,so I'm fighting fit for play days with Speedy
Thanks you so much,xx Speedy's mum


  1. I voted Speedy! Glad your Mom is doing better!

  2. Glad mum is feeling better Speedy. Gotta stay fit and spry to keep up with you!

  3. I have voted everyday, Speedy. I am so happy that Mum is feeling better. Wishing you both glorious play days in the garden, Auntie Jane

    1. Thanks Auntie Jane,mummy sent you and email your parcel is here,thank you so much,xxx Speedy

  4. Glad to hear you are feeling better :) We voted and good luck Speedy..Paws crossed xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Jumped over and voted - been doing it every day, 'cept for one day (sorry) She went out and turned the computer off - naughty mummy-dog!

    Will try and get a sneaky vote in tomorrow - Good Luck, were rooting for ya!

    Bobby & Fin

  6. We have been voting, Speedy! Good luck!

  7. Good luck Speedy! We are off to vote! Glad the ear is clearing up :-)

    1. Thanks Katie and Cocco,I'm glad mmuy is better too,xx Speedy

  8. Good luck, Speedy! I voted :)

    And I am very glad your mom is feeling all better!!

    1. Thanks Remmy,I'm glad the Mummy is better too,xx Speedy

  9. oh good luck Speedy. It is quite the competition.

    1. Thanks Savvy now its the waiting game for the results,xx Speedy

  10. Good luck Speedy!
    Glad to hear your mummy is feeling better

    1. now we wait for the results it very exciting,xx Speedy

  11. Dear Speedy's Mummy -- when my mom read you were wobbly on your feet and dizzy, she immediately thought you had inner ear infection. Those are so horrible. My mom had a double one years ago and...she as off work for almost 2 weeks cuz she couldn't stand up. tabby brofur Jack had a double one, and it messed up him big time! He walked in circles and his head was crooked! And now its permanent! So he's an indoor kitteh now for good cuz him walking kind funny would bring attention from predators. Gosh! Anyway! Happy Blogoversary and Mummy's Day ... and haz a Bunderful Day! Come visit me at Yay!

    1. Mummy is better,which is good and indoors is good for you brother...nice and safe,xx speedy


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