Monday 25 March 2013

World Spay day Pet Pageant Results!

Well the vote's are in! First we want to thank you all for voting for Speedy,and even though Speedy didn't win he was the highest placed Bunny and came in 129th out of 7432 entries which is pretty good for a late entry
But we would like to congratulate all the winners and runner ups and everybody who entered!
                                             Thank you all for supporting

                                                   Speedy's Mum


  1. You are always a winner in our book Speedy! Hey, that was a darn good showing!

  2. Hello, speedy. My first time here. Hope we could be friends. Never had bunny friends before. =)

    1. Hi Sushi,thanks for visiting,I sure would like to be friends,xx Speedy

  3. Sorry you didn't win - but that's ok - we all know you are one special bunny rabbit and we love that you were the highest placed bunny!

    Licks from Blueberry! ;)

  4. Like they said, Speedy, you are the winner. I got to see your picture on Crafty Green Poet. You looked so cute and Rachel made you quite the frame. You are the Best Nephew Ever. I bet I forgot to tell you about that contest.

    1. Hehehe Thanks Auntie Jane,those cards mummy made are nice aren't they,and I don't mind not winning it was fun to do!xx Speedy

  5. that is darned good for a late entry! Congratulations!

    1. Thanks Caren and Cody,we're voting for you too!xx Speedy

  6. Speedy! Yous ROCKS AND me KNOWS yous is the bestest Bunny!

    1. Hehehehe Thanks Nellie,you're the best to,xx Speedy

  7. wish Speedy had won, of course he was the top bun!!

  8. Hey Speedy. You are looking good as usual. Looking at all your great pics and the sleepy, snuggly ones really made me grin!

  9. Well done Speedy, that's terrific.. Guesss what I got yesterday, beautiful, thank you..Will put it in a post :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Great job, Speedy! You might not have fun but they saw just how cute you are.

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and coccolino the mini pig

  11. Godd job, Speedy. I'm not surprised that you came out on top for rabbits. You are one amazing Bun!

  12. You did great, Top Bun Speedy! Congratulations!

  13. Congratulations speedy! You are the most famous bunny on the net in my book :)

  14. Wow, you did great, Speedy! Congratualtions!!

  15. You are the best, Speedy! Look how handsome you are??? Look at that pose! You are a natural! :)

  16. Speedy, you are so beautiful. I'm glad your Mum is teaching you to be a good sport - kind and magnanimous - even when you don't come in first. I bet she has told you about a lot of places. There is first place and then there is that place which can only be filled by each and everyone of us in all our uniqueness. You are a precious little gem, Little Nephew. I sure hope you can go run around in the garden soon. Mum has said it has been cold. Someone on one of the blogs had a great idea though. We all raise our bunnies up high in loving arms and show the nations their beautiful sheddings drifting in the breeze. Then everybody knows it's springtime and we all play outside. SWWWs, AJ

  17. SPEEDY!!! High Paw Pats!!...whap, whap...pawsome accomplishment!!

  18. High five Pawz frum Nylablue!!! You are #1 in me bookz az you are such a guud sport n so sweet!!! Me Mum n me LUB ya oodlez!!!
    ~~head rbuz~~ Nylablue n Sherri-Ellen

  19. Wow Speedy - I think that's pretty good!


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