Saturday 9 March 2013

My Bloggaversary competition!

Today is my Bloggaversary so I am holding a competition to celebrate Whoo Hoo! Mummy is in the process of making some Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny Note Cards Sets and I'm giving 3 sets away in a Prize Draw,to enter all you have to do to enter is say why you want to win a set in the comments below with the name of your blog or email for contact if you win by Saturday 16th March the winners will be picked by me on Sunday the 17th.
I can't show you the Finish Card sets as mummy's new printer when wrong and she had to take it back and get a new one But as soon as they are finished we will show you.

In the mean time here's a photo of me Playing in the garden today.

Don't forget to vote for me in the World Spay Day Pet Pageant by the Humane Society


  1. Happy Blogoversary, Speedy! Since Bernie passed away last year, Mommy is now bunny-less for the first time since 1999. We would so love to win Speedy Note Card sets for Mommy!

    1. Thats nice of you to try to win for your mummy,you're entered,xx Speedy

  2. Happy Blogaversary Speedy! I would love to win some notecards from you and your mommy. Who wouldn't want anything that includes you? Have fun in your garden! [email protected]

  3. Happy Blogaversary Speedy! I would love to have note cards from you.
    [email protected]

  4. Happy blogaversary speedy!!! I was my mom and I had more time to blog..well actually if mom wasn't too lazy or busy thorn she could, since I dint have fingers. Anyways..I'll enter in the drawing for her :) [email protected] xoxox-Maddy

  5. Speedy, you are definitely not a baby bunny anymore. You are a mature, manly rabbit with a proper look of disdain on your handsome face. You sure got some winter "fluff" (and by fluff I mean weight) going there. I think it looks great. Makes you look like a right governor. Very distinguished!!!! And you got all your sexy rexy himmy black points back!

    1. Hehehehehe,Hi Anutie Brandi,xx Speedy,
      PS your parcel arrived yesterday,xx

  6. Happy Bloggaversary! Whee would love to win because . . . whee think your ears are awesome and whee are suffering from extreme ear envy. Only winning will help us ever recover our pride! =_=

    Nibbles, Nutty, Buddy & Basil

  7. Happy Blogaverary, Speedy! Mr. Mick and I would love to win one of your note card sets because we always want to have the bestest stuff and we love having things that our friends have made. :D

    1. Hehehe you and Mr Mick are entered,good luck,xx Speedy

  8. Happy Blogoversary, Speedy! We would like to win those cards because we've never had a rabbit furiend before and it would be so cool to have your cards!

  9. Happy Blogoversary Speedy!!! I would love to win the note cards too because your are just the coolest bunny ever!!!

  10. Happy bloggy-versary Speedy!
    I would love to win your notecards so that we can see your lovely face all the time:-)

    1. Awww thanks Misaki,you're entered sweet heart,xx Speedy

  11. Oh Such a Happy Day!!!Me shall sing!!!
    ♥♥♫♪Happy Blogaversary to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸
    ¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogaversary to you ♪♫•*¨*
    •.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogaversary Dear Speedy !!!!! ♪♫•*
    ¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Blogaversary to you! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

    Yous looks wonderful Speedy!
    Me was outside today too

    1. Yay! Nellie you are the sweetest girl,xx Speedy

  12. Happy blogoversery! What a cute little bunny you are!!

  13. Happy Blogiversary, Speedy! Artemis (my bunny) has told me that she would like to win your notecard. Don't tell her I told you, but I think she as a little crush on you ;)

    1. hehehe Thanks You're entered,Artemis is a cute bunny,xx Speedy

  14. Happy Blogoversary, Speedy! I'd love to have notecards with you on them so i can show everyone just how handsome you are!

  15. hehehe Thanks you're so nice and you're entered,xx Speedy

  16. HAPPY HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY SPEEDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to win your cards because I LOVE bunnies...ESPECIALLY YOU!!
    Cat Chat and Dakota's Den
    Caren, Cody and Dakota
    cgittleman at mi dot rr dot com

  17. HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY!!! Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!! Hope you had a GREAT day filled with all sorts of fun... playin' and snackin' and nappin' and whatnot. Did you have carrotcake? purrs

  18. Thank you for visiting our blog. Happy Blogoversary. Such a beautiful and cute bunny. God Bless!

  19. Speedy, we can't enter because we have gotten so many wonderful gifts from you and your family. I have been so touched and just rejoice in the joy, kindness, and generosity that has come into our lives. I hate to have to say this but Monday is on the way and you know what Mummy promised. She could make medical history. Printer catches ear infection from a Super Mummy. You are a young man bunny, Sweetheart, and you can tell her you expect her to take good care of herself and rest and eat and whatever else you think best. Love, to all, AJ

    1. Hi Auntie Jane,Don't worry mummy say's she is feeling a bit better again today.It was just me and mummy day this afternoon as it is mummy's day here in the UK,xx Speedy

    2. Oh, Speedy, I didn't know. Please tell Rachel and Grandmum that we wish them a very, very Happy Mothers' Day! After that remind Rachel that "a bit better" won't get her out of her promise to see a Doctor. We are still worried.

    3. Don't worry Auntie Jane I am keeping an eye on her and she went to work today,she still has it a bit but not as bad,xx Speedy

  20. Congrats! We love your blog! Im sorry we dont comment as often. We will try to more often. :)

    1. Thats ok and Thanks some times we just get a bit busy,xx Speedy

  21. Big congratulations Speedy :) We would so love to win your set of cards..How cool would that be :) We got SNOW very own Snow and I'm making sure no one nicks it this time..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe you and your snow...brrrr you can keep it!any way you're entered so don't worry,xx Speedy

  22. Congratulations Speedy. I check this blog every day. A day without Speedy is a day without sunshine. I'd love to win some notecards to share Speedy with all my friends.

    1. Thats fine you're entered but I shall need some contact details in case you win,good luck

  23. Grooming shot!!!!!!! *win*

  24. Congrats, hope you are aving a pawty!


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