Sunday 17 March 2013

More Lovely presents!

Look what we had arrive in the post this week more lovely presents.We had a lovely calender and a beautiful Scarf From Auntie Jane,which Speedy loved,he kept sniffing it and exploring the smells that he could smell on it.

Then we had all this lovely stuff from our friends Megan and Maddy,stickers and a bunny card.

Then we had Mummy's name written in Chinese and some fun photos of Megan and Maddy....Maddy is the cool Lion head bunny she's one if my best friends.

Don't forget to enter my Bloggaversary give away closing time is midnight  tonight UK time here's the link Note card Give away!


  1. Those are lovely prezzies, for sure! HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! purrs

  2. Awesome Speedy - love the calendar. And I really love all those stickers! Stickers are so fun. :)

  3. That is a whole bunch of cool goodies Speedy! I hope you had a terrific weekend!

    1. Hehehe I had a reat week end and lots of play time too!xx Speedy

  4. Fun Fun Fun. What a beautiful scarf! Uh Oh, Maddy and Speedy sittin' in a tree...K. I . S. S. I. N. G....

    1. Auntie Brandi!I'm not sure I know what you mean,xx Speedy

  5. Oh, those are some great pressies Speedy!! Wows! You are one lucky bunny!! You should have lots of fun with those!
    Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    1. hehehe Thanks Ruby,happy St patddy's day to you to!xx Speedy

  6. wow Speedy you sure are raking in the loot! Great job!

  7. Looks like Stickermania!!!!

  8. Wow Speedy, what lovely swag you have, all those stickers :) Have a wonderful Monday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Thanks Mollie and Alfie,hope your monday is good too,xx Speedy

  9. Those are such cool gifts! The scarf from Auntie Jane would go so nicely with your furs.

  10. What great presents! It's so nice to get mail :-)

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. Hehehe I love getting mail mummy too,xx Speedy

  11. Speedy, Thank you for showing everybody the calendar and scarf. It is really quite a thrill to see them. It is like being on TV. The woman who was in charge of our making the calendar lives in Austin now, but she is from England. I love to hear her talk. I should add that besides making calendars, she is one of the best bunny nurses in the world. When I finished knitting the scarf, I washed it in my washing machine in cold water and on the hand wash cycle and just hung it over the shower curtain on top of a towel to let it dry, but before it got mailed, it was shown to some friends at the knit shop. So, Speedy, those are real Texans you are smelling, cool huh? There is some chance that mailing it in a plastic bag may have given it a funny smell, too. Wool closed up like that always smells funny to me until it is washed again. I am sorry about the color. When I read your HOR comment, I realized you would have preferred blue, and then when I read about Ber and how much fun bunnies had unraveling yarn creations, I realized I had not gone completely wrong, but I did warn you about the fun aunties and the other kind of aunties. I thought you and your pals could use it as a sleeping bag when you stayed over on a Magic Closet adventure. It can also be stuffed with clean rags for a bunny pillow or sofa, on a cold day, you crawl in first and Rachel puts one hand in either end. That way you get petted and she keeps her hands warm. Anyway, Little One, I am extremely glad you have fun aunties and friends. Your family certainly knows how to pick out wonderful gifts, and the Fersons are so grateful.

    1. Hi Auntie Jane,Thanks for the scarf its great,I love and I cant'r wait to use,the sleeping bag is a great Idea and the pillow one too!so here's a bigg bunny kiss for you Auntie Jane*Speedy tip toes upand stretchs his head upto give a huge kiss on the nose*,xx Speedy

    2. Oh, you Sweet Baby Boy, there is nothing in the world like a Speedy kiss on the nose. Thank you and much, much love, AJ

    3. hehehe thanks Auntie Jane,xx Speedy

  12. What cool pressies!

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. Hehehe They are aren't they?Thanks Oskar,xx Speedy

  13. what great pressies for the bunny who has EVERYTHING!!

    1. Hehehe not quite but nearly,xx Speedy

    2. Eeoww Speedy you shure got sum lubly pressiez!!! Dat scarf iz so colorful (VBP) n da stickerz are cute!!!
      Me used to bee furendz wif a Lion Bunny named Peaty Girl....she iz so cute...she moved away...miss me Bunneh furend alot...
      Lub Nylablue xo

    3. well now you have me Nylablue,xx Speedy


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