Friday 12 December 2014

Christmas Countdown December 12th!

Only 13 sleeps to go till Santa comes our way! Its getting so exciting,any way here is the next entry in my Christmas Countdown and its from Mario Cat....
Its another Great will I choose the winning 3?

Anyway you have till Midnight Christmas Eve UK time to send in you photo's of your Tree's and Decorations with you if possible in the photo too,send them to my Mummy at [email protected] ,Remember my Favourite 3 will get a surprise Christmas Gift sent to them after the big day.

And there is still time to enter our ASPCA giveaway too,you have till Midnight tomorrow UK time so visit yesterdays post HERE!!! And leave a comment on that post to be included!

Now as Promised here is the next photo of my Christmas House!Its of the tree in our Kitchen ,we will do a video of all the lights next week so for now here it is without the fibre optics on.
Come back tomorrow for the next entry and another photo from my Christmas House!xx Speedy


  1. What pretty trees, both yours and Mario's!

  2. Such pretty trees. Our tree hasn't come into the house yet.

  3. Lovely trees, how do you choose ?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. Absolutely bootiful!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  5. Those are BOTH very pretty Trees... we would love to have a kitchen big enough fur a TREE... You are LUCKY, Speedy.

  6. dood....whoa !! way awesum treez ....mario's and yurz....reeely kewl ....bye de way...due ewe ever get de urge ta eat thoze plantz !! ??? we sure wood !!!
    heerz two a halibut herring N haddock kinda week oh end ♥

  7. Oh Barharhar........Mario is kinda like the cat in the hat...but it's the cat under the tree!....hop Mario don't get wrapped up!

    The Mad Scots
    Pees; We just luvs looking at all the trees! and stuffs

  8. We'd take a picture but it might rain and the outside is completely off.

  9. Such lovely trees!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. I love Christmas trees beautiful
    Lily & Edward

  11. Mario's tree is so bright and sparkly. We really like it. Mom finally finished the decorating today so tomorrow will be photo day. Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Your tree is absolutely gorgeous pal. It's so tall. I bet it almost reaches the sky if it were outside. Wow, would I ever love to climb it. Oh dat is right, I'm not allowed to climb Christmas trees. Sigh! Thanks for featuring us today pal.

  13. Love the pix, but Santa better not leave a cat here for Christmas!

  14. a lovely shiny tree from Mario cat and yours is lovely too! <3

  15. IT IS SO COLORFUL AND PRETTY!! I am enjoying each day's posts!!

  16. Mario has a pretty tree, and you have a nice one, too!

  17. Both are fabulous. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  18. We love that Mario and what a pretty tree. Both trees are very nice. This is such a fun thing to do. We don't have much of a tree this year. You all have a great day.

  19. Oh how gorgeous! I am so late, but can I play with you Mr. kitty? I will be back!

  20. that are two wonderful trees. Has anyfubuddy discovered the secret why all kitties love the place under the tree?
    Easy Rider

  21. Very pretty trees. Really enjoying seeing everyone's decorations and trees.
    Sue B

  22. What beautiful trees! I especially like the napping blanket under Mario's tree. ZZzzzzz...

    Love and licks,

  23. Such pretty trees! We don't have one yet...the humans keep saying we will get one but I don't see no tree yet! OK, is it me? I bet it's cause of what I did last year..


  24. Mario Cat rocks that Xmas tree...I think he is a winner for sure!
    Love Sherri-Ellen x0x0

  25. Mario's tree is gorgeous! Can't wait to see your tree all lit up!

  26. I love bling bling trees. It's really hard to chose. Good luck with it, Speedy :) Pawkiss :) <3

  27. Beautiful Christmas Tree!...
    Best regards. Love and Peace. Aquileana :)


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