Monday 22 December 2014

Christmas Countdown December 22nd!

OMB only 3 sleeps to go!!!!!Yippee!!!!! So here is another Great Christmas Tune!
Now here are my next entries to my Count down first we have Dezi and Lexi with their tree!
Don't they look cute?
Then we have Blanca from Three Cats and a Girl with all the presents under the tree!
And she is adorable too!Gosh its going to be very hard to choose my favourite 3 who will get their surprise Christmas Gift after Christmas as Everybodys entries have be Pawsome but its not over yet You Still have time to get you photos of you trees and Decorations with you in them if possible,you have till Christmas Eve at midnight UK time to send them to my mum at [email protected] !
So Here is a bit more from my Christmas House for you all!
And Here's One of me Catching some Zzzzzzzzz!
This Count down is a lot of hard work! See you here Tomorrow!xx Speedy


  1. They sure are happy to see Christmas!!!

  2. So festive and nice to see you catching some ZZZZZ there Speedy. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. How do you find all those amazing tress Speedy? I'm not surprised you are so worn out, happy napping my luffly furfriend. Hope Mum's still got some of that cake to revive you with !
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  4. I wish our tree was up! Speedy, it's holiday week - don't work too hard!

  5. If you go to sleep now and sleep through you will only have one sleep. Worth thinking about. Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  6. Dezi & Lexi are adorable & Bianca is lovely...
    I have no diea how you will pick a winner...
    Love your decorations; you are the MOST festive bunny!!
    Merry Christmas & all the love in the world.
    Sherri-Ellen & Siddhartha x0x0x0

  7. OMD your furend's Decorations are Purrrrrrrfect for them...

    WOW your Mom puts Fancy Shiny decorations on the Sea Link??? the only thingy OUR mom has Up THERE... are Corny COB WEBS.... 87 bazillion of them...

  8. Wow Speedy. We think it's a beautiful Christmas decoration. No wonder you're tired.

  9. Glad I don't have to do the choosing! Put the names in a hat!

  10. Those trees are pretty. You look tired out Speedy.

  11. SPEEDY SANTA! You better get your zzzzzzzzzzzs little one, for you will be up all night long tearing open presents with your teeth! You will need your energy! And aren't you delivering goodies to all the bunnies of the world? teeee


  12. So very pretty. Speedy your just so cute sleeping.
    Sue B

  13. amazing post today! the beautiful whte kitty gets my vote as one of the best Christmas pics! also, that cute beagle wearing the red plaid was really cool. You're right---there are SO MANY GOOD ones on here!!!
    by the way, I am thrilled to see the cat condo---I want to get one like this for my seven cats...but never can tell in the pictures I see as to how big those perches are---I have big cats...this one looks cool!!

  14. Holy Smokes wonder you are tired....after helping Mom put up all that Christmas stuffs!

    The Mad Scots

  15. You're so tired Speedy! You must be doing lots of excited hopping for Christmas! Thanks for putting my little Blanca up today :)

  16. Yu are going to have a tough time picking a winner Speedy, so many great decorations!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. Pretty work, all!

    And - serious ZZZZZZZ's Speedy.

  18. Wow, even the top of your enclosure is decorated! You look like one exhausted bunny.

  19. Speedy!
    Yous looks exhausted! Will yous be ready to pawty on New Years Eve?

  20. You must be having some pretty awesome bunny dreams there, dear Speedy! You sleep really cute!!

  21. Gonna be really tough choosing your faves from all these fantastic decorating photos Speedy! I'm glad it's not ME doing that!!!! You look quite tired in that last photo - it's not easy being a Christmas Bunny is it?!

    Hugs, Sammy

  22. It can be very exhausting at this time of year . Very sensible to have a nap Speedy! :-D

  23. Wow, Speedy, your house is super festive. Dezi sure looks cute in her Santa suit! Ho, ho, ho, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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