Sunday 7 December 2014

Christmas Countdown December 7th!

Woohoo we have another entry for the Countdown and its from Frankie and Ernie,here are some of their Snow Freaks!

Hehehe mum doesn't think they look freaky do you?

Don't forget you have till Midnight Christmas Eve UK time to enter My Countdown and don't forget my favourite 3 will get a Christmas Surprise after the main event.So send in you photo's of your Decorations and Trees with you in them if possible to my mummy at [email protected]

Next week we have more entries and we will start showing our Tree's and Decorations!

If any of you want a pretty Christmas Ecard and You haven't already had one from me the send me an email at the address above to make sure I have your email addy,xxx Speedy


  1. OH Speedy..... you MUST Trust US on this.... they ARE fur SURE Freaky... and Devious and Sneaky and Hideous... Stay FAR AWAY from Snow Freaks... Once they come to your house they are There to Stay.

  2. Nice! Doing the tree today. If it doesn't wear me out too much, I'll do my photos today too! I got my card from you Speedy, thanks :)

  3. We've just caught up, Speedy. These are all great! We haven't even got close to having anything Christmassy out yet!! Always the fault of the humans!! We hope mum's cold is better! xoxox

  4. They don't look freaky, but if Frankie and Ernie say they are, then they must be.

  5. Yikes the snow freaks are everywhere. Have a serene and easy Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. They look ... different for sure.
    My human likes the dog...

  7. Oh dear, Speedy! Not more snow freaks! Too many of those running around loose. They're getting just as bad as squirrels!

  8. awwh--they are not freaky: they are FABULOUS!! what a pretty dog on the chair! LOVE the colorful snowmen!! I love all this decorating!!!

  9. We think they are pretty cute...BUT they can be a bit spooky if they are too big!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. We like all those snowmen. They don't look freaky to us.

  11. F&E hate those snow freaks so much that it's a wonder that they're not just shreds now.

  12. We think that are pretty funky! There is that funny BROWN one though MOL MOL!

  13. Oh I think they are adorable hahahaah :) but I can imagine Frankie and Ernie freaking out :) and thankyou we got your beautiful cardie..we are sending a snail mail one so pop your addy in our fb emails are acting up :( much loves Fozziemum xx

  14. We think that sweater is gorgeous on you Speedy......very festive AND warm!

    Hugs, sammy

  15. that looks like in the movie Frozen :o) I hope the snow freaks are vegetarians :o)
    Easy Rider


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