Sunday 14 June 2015

A very Sad Day Goodbye Harrington Till We See You Again

Please play this music as you read through this post.

Last night we heard from my Auntie Michelle that the heavens had been lit by a new star to shine bright upon us all,

as my pal Harrington was unexpectedly helped to cross the rainbow bridge,a big shock to his Mama and my Auntie Michelle,
My dear pal Harrington Binky free and high in the heavens above!
I shall miss our parties and adventures my cheeky friend,
And your love of snacks,But most of all I shall miss you fun exchanges with you wifebun Hannah!
and the way you used to snuggle with her even when we were all having fun!

All our love and prayers are with Harringtons Mamma Auntie Michelle and Pappa,his wifebun Hannah and his kitty sisfur Sabrina please send them your well wishes to them at The Raspberry Rabbits,or on facebook if you know them on there.

                   Goodbye Harrington my friend Till We See You Again!


  1. Aw he's so cute... poor guy. Hope he rests in peace :(

  2. so sad to see Harrington go over the bridge....

  3. :'-( :'-( :'-(

    Losing a bunny must be more painful than I can imagine.

    Face very wet as I type this.

    Harrington will never be forgotten by his furry friends or his hoomins, I am sure.

    Binky Free, Harrington. :'-(

  4. Speedy I'm so sad for your friend Harrington... it's the worst to say good bye to such a wonderful friend... you wrote a very sweetpost for Harrington... I'm sure it helps a little to dry the tears of Harringtons furmily...
    easy rider

  5. You were (and still are) a good friend Speedy. <3

  6. We are sorry to had about the loss of your friend. Take care of yourself. Hugs!

  7. Poor Harrington ...he was quite a handsome fellow and I'm sure his wife-bun will miss him very much. Sometimes bunnies go quickly and unexpectedly and it is painful for the humans and other bunnies left behind. Hop free, Harrington ...

  8. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend.

  9. We are so very sorry to hear about dear Harrington. That is super sad.

  10. Darling Speedy, when I read the first few lines of your post, I DID NOT make the connection. I even saw the photo and still did not make the connection, then it hit me. It can't be....

    I follow Michelle and the buns and I am assuming she did not post about this because I did not see her post come up on my roll. I shall email her.

    I am deeply saddened and very shocked at this....Oh my sweet friends, we love you so.

  11. What a sweet and handsome bun. We are so sorry for his family, wife bun Hannah and all his friends. We know he will be missed. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. It's sad to lose a friend.

  13. WE are SOOOOOOO SOOOOOOO sorry to hear this Sad News about HARRINGTON...
    We are sending our thoughts and prayers fur his family...

  14. **gulpss**
    Oh Speedy mee iss so sorry fur yur loss an yur Aunty...shee must bee berry uppyset!!!
    Harrington was so hansum an hee sounds like hee was a Gentull Bun....
    LadyMum found out that Gracie Bunny who was 14 yeerss old hopped to Pure Land in May an Tuxie Velour who was not quite 5 yeerss old joined her a few weekss later...LadyMum was berry good furendss with their Hu'man wee iss hopin that Harrington iss hoppin with Gracie n Tuxie an all thee Hoppy Bunnoiess there.
    Mee sends you ***nose kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxx
    LadyMum sends *kissess* an gentull ((huggiess))

  15. Oh dear... I am so sorry to read about your pal Harrington.. What a beautiful bunny..
    Sending you a warm hug

  16. We're sorry for the loss of your friend, Speedy. We send you purrs and gentle headbonks. Purrs

  17. I'm so sorry to hear about Harrington. Saying goodbye always hurts so much. My deepest sympathy to Harrington's family. I will include Harrington in the June edition of 'Our Rainbow Friends' which will publish on July 15.

  18. Harrington looks like a cool guy who gave and received lots of love. Prayers for his family and friends to heal well from this loss. RIP, buddy.

    Love and licks,

  19. Awww such a cutie he was too. We are so very sorry to hear of the loss of your very dear friend. big Hugs for you and your human.

  20. We're sorry to hear about Harrington. Purrs....

  21. Oh Speedy, wes so sad to hear your furrend Harrington has passed over the bridge! Wes sends yous and his family our deepest sympathy!

  22. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear furriend Harrington, Speedy. Sending lots of Soft Pawkisses to comfort you and his family <3 <3 <3

  23. Thank you so much sweets. I miss him so much. I still feel like I'm in a bad dream.
    Love and hugs to you all.

  24. My prayers go out to Harrington and his family my friend. XOXO - Bacon

  25. speedy...we wanted to say we are very sorry to learn about your friend Harrington
    ~~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥

  26. Harrington was absolutely gorgeous. Sympathies to his family. I'm sure he will be missed tremendously.

  27. Thanks Speedy and Company. It must be really hard for Hannah and the rest of the Raspberry Rabbits. Won't be the same not seeing the two together.

  28. So sorry to hear that :-( <3 Binky free Harrington


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