Friday 26 June 2015

Super Fast Ranger Speedy is on his way!

Read all about it Bunzilla is on his way!Reports coming out of the UK and Basil's Blog!
Borrowed from Basil's Blog

Borrowed from Basil's Blog
OMB This is a job for ME.....I'd best intercept Bunzilla before he causes Basil too much trouble!
......On Route to intercept Bunzilla!
For more News on Bunzilla's where abouts and the Story leading up to these events head for Basil's Blog!


  1. Fantastic Ranger Speedy, intercept him on the beach and then we'll implement the plan to get him here under the radar, you have the Invisibility Ray Gun I sent you, right? Then we can get him to deal with the eveeeel Baron Von Booney once and for all!!!!

    1. I'm Packing the Invisibility Ray Gun Basil and heading for the Beach Now!,xx Ranger Speedy

  2. Hurry up Speedy, so you get there in time. We know you are going to make it. Take care.

  3. It's probably another government experiment gone wrong. It takes an animal to clean it up.

  4. Go Speedy go. Too cute. Have a nice weekend.
    Sue B

  5. hahahaha!!! Omg this was hilarious!

  6. OMD!!!!! GO SPEEDY!!! GO!!!!!!!! I gots to go overs and see what happens!!!!
    Ruby ♥
    pees: are there super sized bunny 'treats' left by Bunzilla??? ☺

  7. Go get him Speedy. If you need me I have the blankie to whip him into shape.


  8. You are so brave Speedy! <3


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