Saturday 3 October 2015

Happy 4th Birthday party For Speedy and happy 1st Gotcha day for his pal Murphy!

Murphy from the RabbitGang

Happy 4th Birthday to Speedy and Happy 1st Gotcha to his pal Murphy!you can join the party over at Speedy's Face Book Page .But for Now lets have some Noms and Drinkies!

Cocktails,Niptini Punch and Carrotinis!

And to finish with Bunny Butt CupCakes!
 Hehehe Murphy did a cool costume change!

and I have a beautiful cake from my Bestest Queen Girl Kitty Nellie
Shoko decide to com dressed as a Bunny!
Aunty Gail sent us a cute cake!
Aunty Bev sent a great card!
One of my Aunty Sharon's sent us this!
Miss Lola came to visit,and she insisted she doesn't wear Hats Hehehe!
The Love Buns brought more carrots for the carrotinis and Fennel for the Fennel runners!

Aunty Caren,Cody and Dakota stopped by with great cards too!

The Love Buns came with more gifts and Banana cake!

The rest of the Rabbitgang showed up too!Can't have Murphy here without the rest of the gang!
And my best buddy Angel Mick also made a special appearance!wouldn't be the same without him!
And of course you can't have a party without Easy turning up!
Hoppel came all dressed up,he knows how to party!and he brought more carrots...hehehe!
Benny and Feeny came to party!
Aunty Kathy sent a gotcha day card to Murphy and a birthday card to me!

Aunty Sabine sent a card too!
Aunty Joanne and Angel Bluey stopped by!

Aunty Jen and Betsy Bun came with this...hehehe even Bashful Bacon's pet rock got to stop by!
And of course my buddy Siddhartha came to party!
And Mr Bun came by to party!He knows how to have fun...hehehe!
Aunty Carol and Dexter peeked in too with this cute card!
And Mollie and Alfie came with this cute card!
Empress Sofia brought a fabulous cake!
Tim Grob Sent this card!
Ebony looks pretty!
Gizmo's a cool bun!

Plus many Human pals and other Anipals who came with more Music came to party with the buns!Hope you're all enjoying Partying with the Buns!


  1. Happy birthday, Speedy! Paws up!

  2. Happy 4th Birthday, dear Speedy and 1st Gotcha Day for Murphy. What a great Pawty and lovely Birthday cards. Pawkisses for a wonderful day and 4 Extra for the occasion :) <3

  3. Oh SWEET SPEEDY!!!!!!!!!!! Good morning little Birthday Boy! I got my invite just this morning and HERE I AM! What an array of goodies to chomp on, like a good bunny! And to celebrate with friends, what a great birthday! YOU get more cards than I DO! thahahahahahahahahah

    OK, rabbit of the hour, you have hit the big FOUR. Look at that banana cake (adorable) and I love your party hat. I LOVE YOUR SPEEDY! Have many, many years of bliss with mummy and dad!

  4. Yay what a hoot of a pawty Speedy and Happy Gotcha day to Murphy as well! we got a bit lost cos Mum was on her we plan to do the same on the Niptinis MOL..paw pats Dinnermintz xxxxxx and Happy Birthday <3 <3 <3

  5. Oh what a super pawty! Do you think a Weimaraner is strong enough for a glass of that green pineapple juice? ... butt anyway we are professional pirates and we can get drunken efurry day , right?
    Happy Birthday to you and Happy Furst Gotcha Day to Murphy :o)

  6. Happy hoppy Birthday Dear Speedy! I loved those Bunny Butt cupcakes best of all! <3

  7. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Speedy!!! You are such a special one and we all love you! Happy Gotcha Day Murphy!

  8. Happy birthday my sweet little friend. Check out my blog when you get a chance. And happy gotcha day to Murphy! Now I'm off to get some carrot martini! XOXO - Bacon

  9. I was bringing bird seed, but ate it on the flight over.

  10. Happy Birthday Speedy (and Happy Gotcha Day Murphy!)!!

    Thanks for hosting such a fun pawty!!!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  11. Love the picture of the birthday banana! Happy Birthday!

  12. Gweat pawrty Speedy. Fanks fur da invite. Happy Hoppyday to yous and happy gotchaday to Murphy. Have fun. Meez Meowday is November da 1st. Weez'll be celebwatin' on da bloggy dat day and facebook da next. Yous invited and bwing all yous furiends.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. WOO HOO!!!! Thiss pawty iss furabuluss Speedy!!!! Mee luvss thee snacks an bunnie butt cake iss yummy! An did you notice mee onlee drinkin sparkling water>>>no beein notty again (well not so soon!)
    Iss luvley to meet all yur bunnie furendss also!!!
    Mee was goin to ask queen Penelope to dance butt mee iss too shy!
    Wishin you thee BERRY best Birthday efurr!
    ~~~head rubss~~~ an ***nose kissess*** Siddhartha Henry XXXXX

  14. Happy 4th Birthday Speedy, and happy1st Gotcha Day to your pal Murphy.

  15. Happy Birthday Speedy and Happy Gotcha Day Murphy. Great party Speedy.
    Sue B

  16. Happy Birthday, Speedy! What a great party you are having with so many friends. Hope it's okay if we hang out for a while. All your cards and cakes are terrific. Please forgive us for not sending one or both. We got a good laugh when we saw the banana with all the candles. Have a super fun day. Love from our mom and XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. Happy Happy Birthday Sweet Speedy and Happy Gotcha Day to Murphy! Thanks for a most pawesome pawty!!!

  18. A big happy birthday to you Speedy and happy gotcha day to Murphy too! What a lot of lovely cards and just look at that grub! Blimey! Xxxxxxx

  19. Ohmy!!! What an amazing birthday you are having, Speedy - Happy Birthday to you from both of us!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  20. What a super-fun party! It was a total blow out! Happy birthday, S. I've heard that 4 is the new 2!

    Love and licks,

  21. Happy Birthday Speedy!!! Happy Gotcha day Murphy!!!🐇

  22. Whoohoo! Happy Birthday, Speedy! Happy Gotcha Day, Murphy! We hope you have the bestest day!

  23. Really sorry Speedy for being late.
    Happy birthday. I'm sure that you had a nice party.
    Did you have nice gifts ?

  24. Ahhhhh!! I didn't make a card, i'm so sorry! Happy Birthday Pal!!!!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  25. Happy 4th Birthday. I don't think I've ever seen such a big birthday party. It's amazing.

  26. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay happy belayted birthday and gotcha day ti yii and murphy!!! wow yoo guys no how to throw a party!!! menny happy reeterns!!! ok bye

  27. Beautiful birthday party and gifts coming from friends... Love and best wishes to Rachel and Speedy. Aquileana ★★★


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