Thursday 15 October 2015

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to Movie Day!Just 2 new ones of me this week and as its now heading towards Halloween we have a little scary something too....Vampires and Humans a like need to beware of this one....hehehehe!

Hope you enjoyed the show,until next time!xx Speedy


  1. What a beautiful place you were running at :)

  2. We always enjoy seeing you so happy on your out n' abouts Speedy!

  3. You're doing what you do every day-you're supposed to do something different on a holiday.

  4. Lovely green grass Speedy! Very scary clip too. I always did love Aaliyah.

  5. Aaaaaaaw Yous always look so cute Speedy. Hope yous comin' to meez birffday pawrty.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. Great show Speedy. We enjoyed all three videos. You do enjoy hopping around the green grass. You all have a great day.

  7. Speedy, that a little bit naughty, that your human caught you doing that on camera. ;-)

  8. Excuse me, oh pardon me....oh seats...I am terribly late to this picture show! HELLO SPEEDY THE STAR! Well little movie star, for some reason, Youtube is not behaving for me these days and I am unable to see you in action! But I shall catch you another time, but just wanted to come and see you. ENJOY YOUR DAY!

  9. Hello Speedy,
    Like we said the other day, you are lucky. Being able to have a walk in such a beautiful garden.

  10. Well I sure see why they call you Speedy! (For a long time in that 2nd one I thought they would have to call you Smelly!)

  11. Watching you explore that big, beautiful park was much more fun than watching Akasha.


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