Saturday 31 October 2015

Twas The Night Before Halloween Finale!

To see the first part of my Adventure Twas The Night Before Halloween Part 1!
Twas at the stroke of Midnight
When a strange eerie light came over that Bun!
He shivered and shimmered and came all over a quiver!
There in the grave yard no longer a Bun!
Our Speedy transformed for All Hallows Eve!
Happy Halloween EveryBun!

But don't worry He scored the best treats for you all!


  1. This is so cute! Speedy, I love that top pic! All the Halloween treats are wonderful! You make a scary Dracu-bun!

  2. Surprise ending-food isn't scary.

  3. I hope you won't be a bunpire forever Speedy. Very scary. No sucking Mom's blood ;)

  4. BOL! Speedy :-) Happy Halloween. Golden Woofs

  5. That really was terrific Speedy and that first picture creeped me out early. I'm sure glad my Nip Banana doesn't look like that. Have a spooky cool Halloween!!!

  6. Loved that Speedy. Great treats too. Happy Halloween.
    Sue B

  7. Thanks, buddy. I could nom all of those treats one after another after another. ....especially the mummy hot dogs.

    Love and licks,

  8. What a great post. You are such a whitty bunny. Happy Halloween.

  9. OOOHHHHH those wiener ghosts sure look tasty to us:)

    Happy Howl-a-ween!!!

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  10. Happy Halloween, Speedy! Awesome party!

  11. Pawsome treats, Speedy! Happy Meowloween!

  12. What a great story and your treats look fang-tastic!! Thanks for hopping with our Halloween Spooktacular. ☺

  13. You made us laugh a lot with your food, we LOVE the tomb stones!!!! Thank you for the smiles!

  14. Oh Spooky Speedy, I am LATE! But I'll take one of those healthy treats with the banana ghosts and orange pumpkins! THOSE ARE SO CUTE, and so are you with your raspberry juice "blood" - teehehhhheeeeeee I LOVE YOU SPEEDY!

  15. Speedy we loved your Halloween story AND your Halloween treats! Thanks for making Halloween so much FUN.......................

    Love, Sammy


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