Saturday 20 October 2018

Gosh.....Who am I?

Gosh.....Who am I?Hehehehe Can you Guess?
Thanks to Aunty Ann of Zoolatry I am Bat Bunny.Zoolatry is hosting and Event Boolatry Which I was visiting on Thursday but Mummy forgot to do my post because we have had some major family stuff going on which mummy hopes to be all sorted soon!
Anyway I am sure you all want to know how I am doing,Well as you can see I'm healing very nicely.I ended up with my operation site being glued and having 3 stitches.I had my post op check at the vets and they were very happy with how it was healing so they said mummy could use her discretion on whether I would go back for my second one.....well the photo shows that I don't need to go back...even my furs are growing back quickly.As for my ear infection I have a couple of days to go before my antibiotics are finished and that seems to be clearing up too.....I can Hear now so that is good and I am much more happy and Lively so mummy and daddy are happy with that to hopefully I won't need to have any more antibiotics for my ears so keep your paws crossed for that!
Chow time with some bunny business!

Don't you think I deserve More Treats Mummy?


  1. You tell Mummy that Auntie Jade says you can have all the treats, Speedy! :)

  2. Oh, our dear little BatBunny! We know you have a wholabunch of things going on in your "hutch", so do not worry ... we're just really really REALLY happy to read that you are healing well and quickly. Such good news! You'll be ready to hop out and go trick 'n' treating, right? And we truly hopes that all else will soon be right in your world. Love ... Dougie Dog, Zoey and their hu-mom (BOO!)

  3. Glad you are doing well, Speedy, the Bat Bunny!

  4. I'm glad you are healing so well, Speedy! I love your costume.

  5. Hello Speedy! You look great in your Bat Bunny outfit and so glad you're feeling better!

  6. I am SO relieved to learn that you are doing so well, Speedy!!!!!!!

  7. You look terrific Speedy and I'm so happy the healing is going well.

  8. Hello Speedy,
    We are so happy and relieved that you are more than okay Speedy.
    You look cute as a bunnybat, but we prefer the last picture. When she sees it my human wants to give you a kiss...

  9. We're glad to hear such good news, Speedy ! Purrs

  10. Look at that face! You've had a rough week little buddy so you definitely deserve more treats!

  11. Oh, wow, I didn't know you had to have all that surgery stuff and that while your ears were not feeling good either:(

    Happy and hoppy to know you are doing so much better, now.
    Sending POTP and lots of hugs!
    You are a cute bat bunny, too:)

  12. Lightning wishes he were healing as quickly and as well as you have, Speedy. And you make a great Superhero!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  13. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay kleerly yoo ar bat bun!!! na na na na na na na na bat bun!!! i am glad to heer that yoo ar heeling wel i am sending lots of tail wags for it to kontinyoo!!! ok bye

  14. Mr Speedy!
    You make the Best Bat Bunny EVER! And I must say, you are healing well and that your ears are doing better. It must have been all the healing purrayers!
    Sending you love
    Marv and Mom

  15. I don't know for sure what the Speedy version of Snickers candy is - maybe a bowl of carrots and strawberries - but you sure deserve some!!!!

  16. You sure make a great Bat Bunny, Speedy. We are super glad you're healing us so nicely!


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