Monday 8 October 2018

Paws Crossed and prayers for Speedy

Speedy had a wellness check 4 weeks ago and as part of that check I had the vet check his Ears because something was off and he was a bit deaf.But the ears were clean and had no sign of infection.but The ears were still bothering him and he continued to dig at them and shake his head.Well today Speedy's dad checked his ears under a lit magnifying lense and could see a bit of thick creamy white gunk in both ears so we had another trip to the vet and it seems Speedy has an inner ear infection in both ears one worse than the other.Speedy is now on Baytril antibiotics for 2 weeks and we have to check them after 5 days and then after 10 to see if they clear up if not then its sedation for a camera or an x ray to see what's going on.I'm really hoping the Baytril works so keep your paws crossed and pray that it does for our Speedy Boy.
                                           Thanks Mum Rachel


  1. Poor Speedy, hope this clears up soon. Paws crossed

  2. Sending good thoughts for the antibiotics to clear up the ear infection.

  3. Get well, Speedy 💕💕💕 We're thinki g about you 💔💕💔💕💔💕💔💕

  4. All paws crossed for Speedy to be better soon. That Baytril does good things - hope it works for him.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. Mee-yow Speedy mee deer frend pleeze take yore Baytril ed an rest an GETW WELL SOON!!! Mee will say a wee purrayer fore you an LadyMummy said a HUGE purrayer……
    ***paw patsss*** an Love BellaDharma an ((hugs)) LadyMummy

  6. speedy...dood.....we iz sorree....that haz ta hurt...we iz sorree de vet dinna catch thiz at furst.. but hope de medz help ya get well... bee well... N stay well ♥♥♥ st francis' blessings two ewe...stay inn side buddy ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  7. Oh no, purrs and prayers for you Speedy, we love you pal.

  8. We pray the medicine works fur your ears.

  9. That's terrible. Ears are important to a rabbit and also their signature uniqueness.

  10. We are so sorry to hear about that ear infection, Speedy. We're purring and praying super hard that you're on the mend soon! Hugs!

  11. Lady Shasta here - oh us Beaglez know all'bout ear infekshunz - they r def'nitely not a good thing - Mom haz had'em too. You got our POTP an'prayerz an'we will keep our pawz crossed too.

  12. Oh No! Many Many PURRAYERs are coming from our house to Speedy!
    Mr Speedy, we do hope you get well soon!
    Purrs Marv

  13. We send you tons of healing purrs, Speedy, and we hope you feel better soon. Purrs

  14. I'm glad you guys found the infection, even when the vet couldn't! I'm sending healing purrs to Speedy.

  15. Oh, dear. We all hope and pawray that Speedy's ears will get better quickly. Sending lots of POTP.

  16. So sorry you have to go through this nasty ear infection, Speedy. We hope it heals soon. Healing Pawkisses and Purrayers to feel better soon🐾😽💞

  17. Darling Rachel and precious Speedy, I pray that this is just an infection that will go away from the medication. You are both so special to me and I so hope that all is well. I know that the love you give Speedy will be a huge part of his legacy and love HEALS all ailments. Much love to you; I know you will keep us informed.

  18. Oh no, dear Speedy we're sending lots of love for a speedy recovery x0x0x

  19. Purrs, woofs, and prayers to you, Speedy! We hope those stunning ears of yours are all healed up very soon.

  20. Big purrs for you Speedy we hope you feel better real soon!

  21. Oh Speedy, we're so sorry to hear you're not feelin' so good. We're sendin' big hugs and lots of purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  22. Inner ear issues are awful. We hope Speedy is feeling better soon.

  23. Oh dear bun furr-iend, I do hope the meds help make that pesky infection go far far away to never return. It is not fun having itching, sore ears. I can sympathize with you and hope you feel better 'Speedy' fast. Luvs and hugs.

  24. Dear bun furr-iend. I sure hope those meds make that pesky infection go far far away to never return. It is not fun to have itchy, sore ears. I can sympathize and hope that you feel better 'Speedy' fast. Luvs and hugs.

  25. Sweet Speedy, we're sorry your ears feel icky and itchy. We'll hope that medicine helps knock out that infection quickly and that you and your ears will be back to their usual adorable self. Sending purrs!

  26. Speedy, I absolutely AM joining with you, your mom and everyone else for your recovery. The Baytrill is strong and I hope that took care of it by now. XXXX to you Speedy. Please feel better.


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