Tuesday 9 October 2018

Speedy is awake

Thank the Bunny Speedy is awake and through his surgery, he is quite alert but most likely will be staying over night at the vet's. I will update you all tomorrow.
Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts, xx Rachel Speedy's mum


  1. Oh that's terrific, we've sure been thinking about you and that sweet Speedy.

  2. I'm so glad... and I count the time till tomorrow when he is back with you... please give him a big kiss from us when you pick him up tomorrow...

  3. The bad news is that he needed surgery. The good news is that it went well.

  4. Hurray for this news - we hope the recovery goes well!!!

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  5. I only just saw that Speedy was having surgery. I am glad it is over and send best wishes for a good recovery.

  6. Oh what good news. I meant to comment on your earlier post but my ride came to pick up a prescription. I know how frightening it can be to have to have your furkid going under anesthesia - I have a 12yo Beagle who needs her teeth cleaned - so not looking forward to that.
    Wishing Sir Speedy a "speedy" recovery.
    Mom Kim

  7. speedy...dood....we posted at werd press bye miss take but figured thiz will give ya TWICE de well wishez....we ask st francis ta double up on hiz blessingz two ewe N hope yur doin grate N stay grate....♥♥♥♥♥

  8. Lots of hugs and healing vibes, speedy! Get well soon.

  9. Go Speedy - we are with ya!!!

  10. Thank you for the update, Rachel. We are glad Speedy is awake and alert. We'll keep praying and sending good thoughts for you and Speedy!

  11. I hope Speedy is doing better! <3

  12. Oh my dear hearts....I missed your last post about the lump; I actually was thinking this is what it would be. Thank goodness he is out of surgery, but I will come back to find out more details when you post. LOVE TO YOU ALL!

  13. Oh thank the Heavens that Speedy is out of surgery and awake. I hope he gets lots of rest. He's had quite the ordeal. Purrs and hugs for my bun pal.

  14. I don't follow Speedy's adventures regularly, but I like to know he’s healthy and happy, so reading of his illness was worrying. I will be checking in to see how the little fellow is doing. The best of wishes to him.


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