Tuesday 22 November 2022

The case of the prickly guest

 Hello Blogville it the latest gossip from your one and only Gossip Bunny!

When is it okay to have a cuddle cut short at bedtime? I'm not sure such a thing exists but here we are pondering the cause that make it okay. For these ponderings we must start at the beginning. And the beginning was last night when mummy brought me in for a cuddle and dad decided to look out the window a our front garden. 1o minutes into my cuddle dad is excitedly looking out the window telling mummy to come take a look at a small hedgehog in front garden.

Mummy at that point jumped out of the bed with me in her arms and stuck her head out of the window next thing she's saying something along the lines " No good too small, it has to come in" and then I was dumped in to my night pen as she is running down the stairs in her PJ's I might add!

Imagine my mummy running down the stair like a crazy person down the stair in her PJ's and struggling to get her shoes one as she is going out the door. It turns out that it was a juvenile Hedgehog one that Mummy and daddy has been looking out for because they were worried that it wouldn't survive the winter. The reason was because its mother had stopped coming for food as have the rest of the big ones with the likely hood of them going off for their winter Sleep...Hibernation. And the little one was only coming sporadically.

Anyway Mummy Scooped it up and fumbled with the shed key to get in so that she could turn on the heat pad in her Hospital hutch to keep warm and gave it food and water she was doing this while she had the little hedgehog in one hand and using her free hand to do everything else. Then about 3am she woke up and went down to check on him or her as we don't know the sex as yet and all the food was gone and half the water. she topped up the food and then left him or her to it. 

This afternoon she was down there cleaning our Prickly guest out as he or she had made a bit of a mess by  way of pooping and peeing. and then she scooped it out of its warm bed to weigh it and give a visual check. Seems our guest weighs only 377g which is quite small but it had no tics or fleas that she could see so she pooped it back into its warm bed but she said depending on what she finds tomorrow she could be taking our prickly guest to the vet for a check over...

So it seems that sometimes a cuddle can be cut short especially for a Prickly Guest!

Until we can update on our guest its time for me to get some extra cuddles

                              xoxo Little Miss Titch


  1. That does sound like an ok reason for a snuggle interruption...we sure hope the little hedgehog is ok!

  2. It's nice your Mum looks out for your guests sweet Titch and yes, you need bonus snuggle time!

  3. Your mummy is so good to all creatures big and small. TW has never seen a real hedgehog but has stuffies cos she thinks they're all cute.

  4. you and your mama are the best... you have a heart for the prickly guests and for all who need help...

  5. That is so nice of your mom to take such great care of all your prickly friends that come to your garden. We hope he/she does well and gains lots of weight.


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