Saturday 10 November 2012

Appeal for Tonx the Guinea pig Update!

Tonx the guinea pig has been confirmed with bladder stones as she has passed a nasty one,how ever the good news is she is in less pain and is almost back to her normal self.
her owner is still waiting on the test results to find out the cause and to to fix it with the correct preventative treatment.And hopefully Little Tonx won't have to pass anymore stones.
We'd like to thank you for all of your support and donations and for anybody wishing to continue with help to pay for Tonx's Vet treatment donation's can be made via the Special Bunny Web Site on their donation page,please indicate the donation is for "PIGGY" when you review your donation in the add comment box.
We also thank Special Bunny and their Cinderella fund in helping Tonx,We also Thank Brian from Brian's Home for posting this Appeal on his rescue blog and Remey from One Blue Dog for post the Appeal on Facebook and Twitter.

                                      Thank you so much from
Brandi from Voices for Rabbits ,Speedy and my self, And of course Little Tonx and her owner.


  1. Yeay! Hopefully the test results point to a simple solution (change in diet?) and Tonx doesn't have to endure bladder stones again.

    1. yes maybe we will have to wait and see,but Speedy is down in the dumps today as his left eye has started to bother him so we had a trip to the vets today so he as eye drops to help reduce the pressure and pain killer so it doesn't feel so sore,poor baby,xx Speedy's mum

  2. Rachel, would taking the eye out surgically be an option? He is blind in it anyway.

    1. It may come to that but we will try this first as it doesn't normally bother him and I'll be honest surgery is expensive and it would be difficult this close to christmas and we would have to discuss this with the vet as to what the actual cost would be,when you think we paid £26o english which is getting on for $400 to treat Speedy's leg so who knows with the eye as its a more tricky procedure

  3. We are all sending purrs to that little one and to you too sweet Speedy.

    1. Thank you so much Brian you are a true pal to my Speedy

  4. Wishes for a fast recovery to Speedy and poor little Tonx too. Would it be possible to get a picture of Tonx?

    1. I have asked Auntie Brandi if she can get one,xx Speedy

  5. Oh I hope everyone is all right!

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. Thank you Oscar,I'm sure they will be,xx Speedy's mum

  6. Sir Speedy and Mum and Dad, I am so sorry to hear about Sir Speedy's eye. It is not fair. Please keep us posted. You all have been really busy lately. Maybe a bit of rest? Speedy, please, please get well really fast. We love you.

    1. Speedy is doing a little better today not Squinting so much and a bit more like his normal cheeky self.He didn't want to do much yesterday just mainly wanted cuddle which he's getting lots of,so it looks like the drops might be working so we will see how it goes.Don't worry I will keep you up dated and I will give him a big cuddle from you secret pen pal,you know he loves you too,Speedy's mum

  7. We are all thinking of poor little Tonx. It's so nice of you Speedy to keep us all updated :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Don't worry I will as the info come's in,xx Speedy

  8. Oh no! Poor g-pig... I wish that guinea pigs did not get bladder stones :-(

  9. We hope Tonx gets better very soon. Keep everyone updated! xo

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. I am so pleased to hear that Tonx has had a little relief!! Send him massive hugs from me, and I will keep my fingers crossed he is soon better!

  11. Yay! I am really glad that Tonx is getting better!!


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