Thursday 8 November 2012

Urgent Appeal for Tonx a guinea pig in need! UPDATED!

Today a friend of Speedy's was contacted to try and get help for a little female Guinea pig called Tonx who is in a lot of pain and is in need of medical help the poor little mite appears to have kidney or bladder stones.The owner is in difficulties her self and is unable to pay for the help for her little friend needs.Lets see what we all can do to get this help Guinea pig if and body can help with donations or or knows any one who can give the medical help please contact Brandi at Voices for Rabbits or the Etherbun community.
Having had a rabbit with Bladder stones I know how painful this can be Lets all work together to get the help that is needed!
                                                 Thank you
                                               From your Friends
                                             Speedy and His Mum

Donations can be made through SpecialBunny Web Site Via pay pal on their donation page,please indicate the Funds are for "PIGGY" or email them on their contact form telling them about your donation and that it is for Guinea pig as they have agreed to help where they can and act as the intermediary between the funds collected and the vet.
Speedy and I have left a donation at Special Bunny,this was very easy to do,when you review your donation leave the PIGGY indication where its says's add comments on your order,Thank you all for your Help,Speedy and Mum

Tonx the guinea pig is receiving pain killers to make her more comfortable and tests have been started but she still needs us and our help so that her treatment can continue,please join me in helping little Tonx through this awful time,Thanks again Speedy and Mum.


  1. Thank you, Speedy and Rachel! Your blog gets so much traffic because Speedy is loved so much. I appreciate you posting about this precious little guinea piglet!

    1. You're welcome lets hope we get some help for that little guinea piglet,xx Speedy and rach

  2. Oh! The poor cavy baby. We hope she gets the medical care she needs.

    1. I think we all hope that but thank you,xx Speedy and mum

  3. That's so nice of you Speedy, we hope the little piglet gets sorted out real soon :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  4. I will post this on my rescue blog for tomorrow, at least 155,000 will see it.

  5. Poor guinea piggy! We shared this on Facebook and Twitter so hopefully we can find some more helpers :)

  6. Oh Dear the poor baby!
    We sends lots of healing and comforting purrs!

  7. OMC! we are sending what we can which is healing and soft purrrrsss...paw pats, Savannah

  8. Speedy you are so sweet to help your friend. My first cat had kidney stones (and I have them)and they are not only painful but the procedure is horribly costly for pets. Sending healing purrs

    1. I know Thumper my last bun had Bladder stones but you can't treat it in bunnies so all we could do was give him pain meds,that was expensive as he had them for the last 2 years of his life,Speedy's mum

  9. Replies
    1. I know but hopefully we can get the help she needs,xx Speedy

  10. Oh my...sending lots of get well wishes to the wee one. So scary!

  11. Hope the little one gets the needed help. Nobody should ever be in pain. Never, ever, ever. purrs

    1. No they shouldn't,Thanks Nerrisa my friend,xx Speedy

  12. Oh no, we really hope your friend gets help. Sending lots of piggy-related kisses.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  13. Sir Speedy, I finally got my contribution made. I sure hope I did it right. Thank you for helping us help Tonx.

    1. Thank you secret pen pal,you're a star!,xx Speedy and mum

  14. MOL, I maneged to donate but they sure don't make it easy!

    1. Thank you so much you are a star kitty,xx Speedy


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