Saturday 24 November 2012

Our Christmas Tree and how my Dad did it too!

Mummy has been busy putting up the Christmas decorations  in our house as the weather has been to bad for her to do the lights out side.Any way here's a sneeky peek of our tree!
This is how my Dad used to do the tree,he always had a real tree and had special candle holders with candles instead but that was when I was 2 or 3 years old this is when this photo was taken and is the only one I have.My mum may have more.



  1. WOW Speedy, your Christmas Tree is absolutely beautiful!!!

    1. Mummy Say's thanks that she only uses glass baubles aned two colour shred and that some of the baubles are as old as she is and so is the Nativity scene under the tree her daddy used to use them when was very little she even has an old photo of it,xx Speedy

  2. It's BEAUTIFUL! My peep hasn't grown the magical tree yet this year. It's magical 'cause one moment there's no tree and then the next... viola! purrs

  3. My magical tree doesn't go up till the first - a tradition I started myself.. ;)

    But Speedy, there seems to be a bit of a lack of bunnies in the Nativity scene .. Maybe we should sneakily replace a couple of those sheepies with bunnies? ;)

    1. I'll have to see if I can get hold of some,if I can I'll do an up date on the photo,Rachel and Speedy.
      p.s I normally wait till the 1st my self this week end I normally do the lights out side but the weather is too bad and I was in the mood to do something so I did the whole of the inside nearly still have some finishng touchs to do

    2. Speedy, I can think of a very nice bunny who is just the type to join the nativity scene. aj

    3. me to but he's a little bit big,but I'll find a bunny to add to it

    4. Could he be the star shining in the east?

    5. Speedy is every ones shining star,xx Rachel

  4. SoSOsosos pretty! Christmas trees always make my heart flutter. I love the thought of all those ornaments from childhood. I am worried about putting up lights and glass ornaments this year because Spider is so crazy. So I am just going to do all paper crafted ornaments and garland and no lights. But I am going to use Disco amounts of glitter and metallic embellishments.
    That Nativity scene is precious. I just might try to squeeze my fat butt through the fireplace and claim squatters rights in your living room!

    1. sofa is comfy,you can get some nice shatterproof ornaments now as well.about half of the ornament are from my child hood the other half are one me and the hubby have brought together to add to the collection as some of the old one became so brittle that they broke,but I given them extra padding now when the get put away so I haven't lost any for a long time.
      oh I just thought you can get battery operated fairy lights done with little LED's so no cables to plug in

  5. Very pretty Speedy! I've never seen a nativity scene at the bottom of a tree. That's really cool I like it!

  6. you know my dad always did it like that,I'll see if I can find the old photo

  7. They did a great job & I'm sure you helped by supervising!

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. yes I did but ididn't need to mum has it down pat she says it has to be perfect,xx Speedy

  8. Now those are some pretty decorations!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. Oh it's beautiful Speedy..Bolg been down forever, wez back now xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Thanks,glad you got back up and running,xx Speedy

  10. I just love your tree Speedy! It is so sparkly and beautiful! I wonder if there are any squirrels hiding in there...

  11. Great tree! Mummy's worried I might attack ours when she puts its up bol

    1. Then make sure you're extra good around the tree!xx Speedy

  12. Oh How Wonderful! I can see me climbing your tree now!

    1. Just be very careful Nellie as some of the decorations are very old,xx Speedy and mum

  13. We always have a real tree, so it doesn't go up until the week of Christmas--otherwise it would be nothing but a pile of needles by Christmas Day! :)

    1. Thats what my dad used to do,but when you have very pale yellow carpet a read tree is a no go,plus real trees are so expensive and my tree is a very high quality tree it was very expensive but I got it for a steal in a sale so it almost looks real,xx rach

  14. makes me feel all christmasy!! Did you know it is only 39 sleeps to Santa?

  15. Thank you for visiting Sheba's blog. That tree looks great and that Christmas cake in your last post yummy.


  16. oh my! My Mom remembers her family having real trees, and lots of tensile ice cycles made from like aluminum foil...and real glass balls...(did I tell you Mom is like really OLD???) Anyways, now our Christmas is subdued, but still nice...thank you for sharing Speedy, paw pats, Savannah


    We put our lil' Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. Ashy has been getting in all sorts of trouble with the decorations. I'm posting about that soon!

    1. Hehehe we saw...hehe mischief maker,xx Speedy and rach


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