Tuesday 6 November 2012

Disapproving Rabbits The perfect Post!

Just a short mention please visit Disapproving Rabbits Today's Post is just perfect!


  1. Speedy my friend, congrats on making it to DR!!! You looked as handsome as ever..I'd vote for you any day!

    ♥maddy..(mom is at work )

    1. Awww you're going to make me blush Maddy...hehe..xx Speedy

  2. Sir Speedy you are always perfect. That's important information, you know. Remember...ALWAYS!

  3. lookin' good over on that other blog Speedy, ain't fame grand!

  4. We'll hop right over, Speedy!
    ; ) Katie & Glogirly

  5. It's the British invasion all over again!!! (Much better this time!)

  6. Wez on our way over :) Have a great Wednesday xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  7. Hey there Speeds! Guess what? You won an award. Yes... another one! Come on over to Nerissa's Life for a visit and you can pick it up. Check out the post entitled, "I ownz it!" purrs

  8. Going to check it out!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  9. SPEEDY!!!!!!!!! AHAHHAHA! YAY! Hope you got some people out to vote!!!

  10. Well done Speedy! We approve of your disapproval! And love your funky new profile pic too!

  11. Speedy you are such a smart boy. Bunnies do rule! We love you!
    xx, Auntie Shell and Cousins Harrington and Hannah

  12. I just went and checked out this site - so, so funny!!!! :)


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