Sunday 11 November 2012

Remembrance Sunday....For those Fallen but never Forgotten!

Remembrance Sunday for Those that have Fallen but never Forgotten,
For Those still Serving and Protecting our Freedom!
Our Service Men and Women and our Loyal Service Animals Across the world! 


  1. Sir Speedy, there is a song, American Anthem, composed by Gene Scheer and sung in versions of varying length by Norah Jones. One version was used in Ken Burns' documentary The War. Various people have created montages of photographs, old and new, to accompany the song. All of this can be found online, but do try to hear all the lyrics. I like it a lot and hope you do, too.

    1. I shall get mum to have a nosey for it,xx Speedy

  2. That was a terrific tribute to our heros Speedy!

  3. A beautiful tribute, Speedy.

  4. Lovely tribute, Speedy.

    Our local veterans in my hometown used to sell crepe paper poppies on this day and my dad would buy them for all of us to wear. Thanks for the memories of my dad, too.

  5. Just beautiful speedy. God bless them all for giving us our future. xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. Great Post Speedy! Our hopes are high. Our faith in the people is great. Our courage is strong. And our dreams for peace will never die.

  7. Whoa! Speedy, what a lovely post..thank you for doing it...sadly, we forgot this was such a special day...we were so focused on getting posts done before Mom leaves, we just missed it...sad ears

  8. Beautiful photo and yes we thank all the fine folks in uniform and all the wonderful working animals too.

  9. A great post to honor those who have served.

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


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