Saturday 26 April 2014

A busy week with lots to tell!

Wow what a busy week we have had,what with trying to get Speedy's feet sorted,Easter and some awards we had before Easter and a Prize that turned up too.
So to start with the awards:
Nylablue gave me the award for the Picnic Date with Bacon I helped to arrange,thanks sweetie it was fun to do.Then Nerissa from Nerissa's Life created the yoohoo YooHoo award to celebrate 100,000 visits to his Blog and very kindly gave it to me,so Thank you so much Nissy my friend I just love it!
The rules for accepting this award are first display the award and thank the blogger who gave it to you,second visit 3 of the blogs that receiving the award along with you and leave a comment and third list 3 things you are thankful for and want to celebrate and fourth give the award to 7 other bloggers,sounds like fun Huh?
The 3 thing's I want to celebrate:
1: I want to celebrate and I am thankful for all of you my fellow blogging friends you are awesome every single one of you and make this a fun place to be!
2:I want to celebrate that Spring is here and Summer is around the corner so time for lots of fun and games in the garden Woohoo!
3:I want to celebrate my Socks that will help me enjoy the garden and keep my toesies safe!

And the 7 pals I am passing it on to are:
Savannah and Sage
All fur one and one fur all
The Wigglesworth Connection
Timmy Tomcat

Then Mum entered a competition on this great Bunny blog from Germany Thanks Leoni Speedy had fun opening the box up.

Some great stuff there with the play tunnel,some nibbles a bunny ornament and a magazine that mum would try and translate as a little challenge ,and of course I went straight for the nibbles...hehehehe!
Then the last 2 weeks I guessed right on Sammy's Tuesday Teaser.
And Yesterday mummy had a chat with Nancy from Hollywood Psychics for a reading so we have to do the review on that lets just say it was fun and interesting so watch out for that post.
So what with my Toesies and Easter and still trying to get the Charity Auction stuff together which is still on by the way and we have a Deadline now for the items to be in so we will tell you about that on Monday,it has been all go so we will get round to see you all at some point over the weekend!


  1. Aw you look so cute in your socks! That bunny tunnel looks like fun, wonder if you'll like it. I finally got Shiner's boots, but I got the wrong size and they made her feet swollen =/ hope the store can exchange them!

    1. Aww thanks Ann,hope you can sort out the boots,xx Speedy

  2. SPEEDY! Wow, you have been busy little man! We love you so, and we are so happy that you are set with your new little socks to play safely in the garden. Spring is here, and I loved your previous videos to show off your new socks and mummy's garden. You have many friends that love you so, and we are cheering you ON! xoxoxoxox

    1. Hehehe thanks Auntie Antia,not to keen on them though,xx Speedy

  3. Wow it is all go over your way Speedy. Glad you had a lovely Easter and congratulations on your well deserved award. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Well done and nice socks Speedy!

  5. You sure have had lots going on Speedy! Congrats on the very nice awards!!!

  6. Wow, Speedy, your socks look so cool on you and I hope they're helping your feet from hurting. Congratulations on your Awards and winning Timmy's Teaser. You're one lucky guy...and I'm lucky too. Thank you so much for passing your beautiful Awards on to us. You get some Extra Pawkisses my furriend :)

  7. You look so good with your socks Speedy...
    Congratulation for your Award and thank for passing the one from Nerissa to me. But .... I already have it. He gave it to me.
    Enjoy your gifts. They seem yummy !
    Have a nice week end. Here it is warm and sunny.

    1. No probs just sharing that love Thanks Hisia,xx Speedy

  8. Busy busy!
    Congrats on your awards!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  9. Bunny sox are so cute. Congrats on all the awards. You deserve every one and more.

  10. Congratulations on your awards - and winning that awesome prize package!

  11. Yea on receiving the Guessed it right from Sammy! And for your two other awards. I am especially grateful you thought of me Speedy. Receiving the Yoo Hoo award from more than one furriend encourages me to continue to post on my blog. I am still not a regular in all my furriends comments, but I try to work my way around at least a couple of times every couple of weeks. Thank you for not forgetting me, paw waves Savvy peeEss I totally luvluvluv your booties!!!

    1. You're welcome my friend,keep up the good work,xx Speedy

  12. You have been busy Speedy. Concats on your awards and your prize.

  13. Thanks Speedy. We have that one but really appreciate you thinking of us.
    Love your new booties and your goodies

    1. You're welcome just sharing the love,xx Speedy

  14. Congrats on your awards. Speedy I missed the post about your feet. I hope your socks help. Hugs.
    Sue B

  15. Oh, Speedy you look lovely in your new socks. We want you to be well. If you could just take it a little bit easy for a while that would be so good. I know you and Mum have a lot of responsibilities, but.....peace, love, and blessings, BSAJ

    1. Aww thanks Auntie Jane but it just so much fun running about,xx Speedy

  16. Speedy, congrats on your awards! We love your socks! You look very good in them.

  17. Those are some cool awards you got there
    Lily & Edward

  18. Lots happening.Very cute in your little socks, Speedy. Concats on your awards. Have a great weekend. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth & Calista Jo

    1. Aww thanks to you all and to your mum,xx Speedy

  19. Take good care of the toesies!!!!

  20. Speedy, your toesies look all cozy in their slippers while they heal up....take care of them! Looks like a lot of good stuff you got in that competition! Even a teleport tunnel so you can visit everyone.....Concats too on being right on the Teaser two whole weeks in a row. Another Tuesday is coming up - are you gonna make it THREE?

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Hehehe thanks Sammy,can't wait to use it,xx Speedy

  21. Conbunnylation Speedy! And many thanks for nominating me! I love your tunnel, now you can visit all your friends by pushing the teleport-button. How great!

    1. Hehehe thanks Easy,two ways to get about now,xx Speedy

  22. You have a tunnel! Yoo-hoo! YOO-HOO!!! I know you use the closet network, but is your new tunnel hooked up for teleportation, too? You'll have to check it out.


    PS. Very stylish socks.

    1. Oh I'll check it out Nissy ,thanks pal,xx Speedy

  23. Cor young Speedy, with all that going on you must be dizzy.
    Congratulations on all your lovely bubbly stuff and awards.
    Luv's Cat Flap Cavalier X

  24. Love your socks. I'm really curious about why a vegan magazine has what looks like a dairy cow on the cover? Rest your toesies so they get well.

    1. Mum say she will find out when she gets a chance,xx SPeedy

  25. Yow Speedy me iz happy ya did like yer award! Me wundered if ya lot it in da garden, MOL!
    As fer yer sockz dey iz lubly; grey (fur) n blue (eyez) just like me.....pawsum...okayz me iz beein a bit of a snob here...pleeze do not bee too angree wif me ;)
    Yow we iz lookin forewerd to da auckshun too!
    Much Lub frum me Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxoxo

    1. Oh I could nevery be angry with you sweetie,xx SPeedy

  26. Thank you, Speedy and Rachel! We love being your friends, you guys are awesome!
    XOXO Meaghan and Scarlett
    P.S. Speedy doll, you are rocking those socks! I see the start of a new trend in rabbit footwear :)

    1. Hehehe you're welcome ,hehehe maybe it is a new trend,xx Speedy

  27. Can't wait to see you playing in that tunnel

  28. OMD look at all'z wez mizzed.. Wow what fun stuff going on at your pad. Wez back now, like after 87,000 years BOL and haz mizzed you xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Hehehe time flies when you're having fun,miss you to sweetie,xx Speedy

  29. I love your socks Speedy! I'm so glad your toes will be protected now :) That tunnel looks like lots of fun too. Congrats on your awards!

    1. Hehehe thanks can't wait to try it out,xx Speedy

  30. I savour, cause I fοund exɑctly what I was ⅼooking for.
    You've ended my 4 day long hunt! God Bless you man. Нave a nice day.


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