Saturday 5 April 2014

RIP Little Zoey,Binky free with your little Chico

Today our hearts are weeping as we say goodbye to our little feisty friend Zoey from The House of Rabbits.Yesterday we learnt that she has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to be with her Husbun Chico,Our thoughts and prayers are with RG and BL and the bunnies at this time.
                         Binky Free Zoey with you Husbun Chico,we will miss you both!


  1. Miss Zoey, Diva Bun extraordinaire, will be very much missed. :(

  2. So sad to say goodbye to Zoey, but she's now binkying with Chico over the Rainbow Bridge...

  3. So sad to read that Zoey has gone to the bridge Speedy. We know you are sad for your friend and you will miss your bunny pal.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. RIP little Zoey. Sending comforting purrs to her family.

  5. Oh, it hurts is now together over the rainbow. Oh the sadness...big LOVE to you, little Speedster!

  6. It's so sad, please give her family a hug from me.

  7. So very sorry that your friend Zoey has gone to the rainbow bridge Speedy..we send our loves and hugs to all :( xxxx Fozziemum

  8. That is so very sad. Purrs, hugs and love to her special family.

  9. Oh that is too bad. We sure send the family some nice big hugs. And we know that Zoey had lots of love while she lived with her family.

  10. So sad to hear. Hugs and licks to her family.

  11. That is very sad. Sending purrs to her family.

  12. Sorry for the loss of your friend. My thoughts and prayers are with Zoey's family.
    Sue B

  13. So sad. Sending our condolences. At least the two buns are together again forever! XO, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. That is so very sad.
    Hail and Farewell Zoey and Chico! Our thoughts are with you both.

  15. Oh no! My condolences to you :(
    ღ husky hugz áƒ¦ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!ondolences

  16. Oh, I am so sorry to hears about your furiends Speedy. I am sendin' tons of AireZens to Zoey's family and lots of {{{hugs}}}}.
    Ruby ♥

  17. Yow we iz bery sowwy dat purrty little Zoey had to leeve her peeple beehind n go to da Rainbow Brdife...maybe she missed Chico husbunneh so much she just had to go...we sendz purrz n purrayerz to her furamilee n we hopez dere pain iz eased soon...
    Much lub frum Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo

  18. I WON'T LEAVE YOU, SPEEDBOAT! I will always come to visit, always! I am taking a break from composing blog posts for a while, because as you know, it takes a lot of energy to do so! But I will be here, I will be back, but probably only once a month. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Sending a hug!

  20. So nice - thank you all. Zoey (and Chico) are much missed here at the House of RAbbits ...

    1. They are missed by us too as are all of you,xx Rachel and Speedy

  21. I am so sad and torn up about this. I guess she just couldn't be without him. Glad they are together again..

    1. yes they were such a close pair,xx Rachel and Speedy


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