Wednesday 9 April 2014

Disapproving Bun Day!

Can you believe its Wednesday already?And that means its time for the next star of my feature,May I introduce you to Scarlett O'Hare of The Wigglesworth Connection.Thanks Meaghan
                  " Scarlett does not approve of humans interrupting her nap time! "

Don't forget if you have any great disapproving photos of your buns to send them in to my mummy at [email protected].

And if you need some more Disapproving bunnies then hop on over to Disapproving Bun where there are plenty more of us on show!


  1. wow, some serious disapproval there!

  2. What a gorgeous girl, disapproving or not. :)

  3. Aww how disapprovingly adorable!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  4. teeeheee....for a minute, no....for a second, I thought this was Sir Speedy! Look at that lovely, delicate nose! Scarlet, you are not having a good day? Well frankly Scarlet, I don't ......teeehehehehehhehe just kidding! You are a super girl and so pretty. I bet Speedy has his eye on YOU!

    BIG LOVE you all!

    1. Um Auntie Anita I already have a girlfriend she's called Maddy,but Scarlett is a pal,xx Speedy

  5. Scarlet O'Hare is a real cutie! Just like you, swet Speedy! :-) xoxo Roxy & Tigerlino

  6. Scarlett has such a cute nose! Definitely a disapproving face :)

  7. scarlett...we wood bee diz a provin bunz two if R napz bee interrupted..well, make that we iz all reddy diz a provin catz when R naps iz interrupted.... !!!

    1. Hehehehe got to have your naps in peace don't you?xx Speedy

  8. That is one big disapproving bun fur sure

  9. That bun is definitely Not Amused.

  10. And rightly so interrupting nap time. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Hm, I have to ask, what happens when her nose twitches? Bet nothing good ;-)

  12. Scarlett is a disapproving beauty. Thanks for sharing her. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. Bawahwahhwhha she doez look'z a bit grumpy :) xxoxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  14. ;) MOL Scarlett O'Hare...Mum xplaned diz to me n me getz da name now!!! Grrreat name n grrreat dizapprovin bunneh!!!
    We send reegeardz to Scarlett n to ya Speedy n to Miss Rachel too...
    xoxo Nylablue n Mum too xoxo

    1. Hehehehe a great fun name, Nylablue,xx Speedy and Rachel

  15. Scarlett is a pretty gal, kinda like a Hollywood Starlet, Hey, we don't like anybody clickin pics while we nap either!

    The Mad Scots

  16. She's so cute. She has the disapproving look down.
    Sue B

  17. Hahaha! I love that face, so funny and definitely disapproving! :)

  18. Scarlett is about to emit a massive pulse of Disapproval through her Disapproval Emitter (i.e her mouf).

    We'd better make sure we're not standing in front of her when she does so! Or it'll be curtains for us!

    I'm off outta here, quickly! Bye!

    1. Awww I think you're safe Uncle Fleetie,xx Speedy

  19. Oh Speedy Scarlett looks very unimpressed hahahhaah :) bless her cotton socks Hugs Fozziemum xxx

  20. Scarlett is a very beautiful bunny, but I sure would not want to interrupt her nap time! She seems quite disapproving to me. :)

    1. Hehehehe yes I don't think I would either,xx Speedy

  21. What an adorable little rabbit, even if it's a disapproving bun day!

  22. Oh snorts - that look is priceless! I love it. XOXO - Bacon

  23. I like her name it's a fabulous idea and it fits her, because she is beautiful!

  24. You are gorgeous Scarlett and .... I will not disturbe you sleep .. you have a scary look !

  25. Hi Speedy and Scarlett! Dexter and I just stopped in to see how spring is treating you. We have been busy so far writing, sharing our books and teaming up with rabbit rescues across Canada and the USA to discourage gifting bunnies as Easter pets! Dexter and I made up some lovely gift baskets to send to any rescue or shelter that requested one to raffle off to raise funds for all the homeless bunnies in need! We hope it raises money and awareness to help. It was the least we could do since you and Speedy have been so welcoming to us! Thanks and 'hoppy' Easter all!

  26. What a beautiful girl! Of course, I am a bit prejudiced, since Ms. Scarlett is my Grandbunny!
    Loves from Grandma Robin


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