Saturday 21 March 2015

I'm all Set for the Guys Day Out!

The Preparations for the Guys Day out have been finished finally!My Pub is ready with the bar the games room and the restaurant.The Menu is set too.So now I can come and visit you all,I sure have missed you all my dear friends!
And Just so you can see what is on the Menu for Monday I thought I would Show that too!
See you soon everybody!


  1. Have a super Saturday Speedy.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Oh Speedy, OH!!!!!! I want to go, I will be there even if I am a bit late, for when I leave for work sometimes my blogger pals post after I've left for work. But what better way to get out of work and run to the pub for some PAN FRIED DUCK and some interesting puddings I've never heard of!

    Proprietor of such a fun pub you are, sweet Speedy!!!!!

  3. That is gonna be some wing-ding Speedy!

  4. Where's the floating crap game gonna be?

  5. Squeals!! Love the menu pal. I can't wait. I've been hankering for cod and chips lately. Love them! Have a wonderful weekend! XOXO - Bacon

  6. Gosh, you'll be in the Egon Ronay Good Pub Guide for sure!!!
    Well done Speedy
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  7. MMMMMM cod n chipss an Roasted Cheezecake too?? Pawtastick Speedy!!! mee can hardlee wait!
    An LadyMum said mee could try a bit of Guiness beecause it iss good fur die-gestshun ;)
    Yippee!!! Oh Speedy wee will have so much fun ;)
    ***nose kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  8. I like your pub Speedy. It looks like a Hobbit hole.
    I know that I am a guy, but .... if you need somebody to taste the ice cream ... I'm here.

  9. Wow, that's a great menu Speedy ! Guys Day looks like a lot of fun ! Purrs

  10. Hey you Speedy. I think you need a proper bone on your pub's menu LOL. Too much veggies yikes :)

  11. Speedy! Dude!
    I can't wait to come visit! It will be nice to hang out and talk Man Stuff, 3 sisters can be hard on a man.

  12. MMMM, drooling getting ready for this feast.

  13. I'll have one of each on the menu?

  14. Wow, it looks like it's gonna be a good time!

  15. Speedy you have been a busy bunny indeed! sounds like it will be a hoot! loves Foziemum...pee ess cod and chips sounds delish!! xxx


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