Thursday 26 March 2015

Speedy's Movie Day

Hello it's Movie Day!Are you all comfy?Got your popcorn and snacks handy?Let's start the show!

These are from recent outings I have had over the last few weeks,I hope you enjoyed the show!
Now don't forget if you want to be feature on Movie day just send the link to my mummy at [email protected].


  1. You were going at a fair lick in the third one!! You do get out and about!! :)

  2. I love your sweater Speedy! It must have felt good to get out and hop around in the sun - even if it was chilly out. Fresh air can be so refreshing!

  3. How about one entitled "Speedy in a spinach patch"?

  4. We enjoyed your videos a lot ! Purrs

  5. You're a busy bunny, aren't you, Speedy?!

    I think you Approved Of the fact that your wild cousins lived where you took your hoomin Mummy for a walk, in the first video. Maybe they will have discovered that their house-bunny cousin had come to visit their land!

    I hope you had a happy, hoppy time walking your hoomin, Speedy! <3

  6. Speedy! Yous way better on the leash than mes is! And mes LOVES to sees yous in your sweater! Yous so furry manly!

  7. Speedy, you really were super speedy in the last two videos. Was it because you didn't have to wear your sweater. You certainly have a beautiful spot to take your walks. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  8. Speedy, you always look like you're having so much fun on your outings!

  9. lovely to see you out in the sun!

  10. isn't that great that we can go out now without a sweater? although yours looks pretty cool, I like the color... it looks like that color only kings can wear... and Captains, of course :o)
    easy rider

  11. I just love watching you on your adventures Speedy!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Yippee for outings and good smells! You really get going and we could watch you out in that beautiful land all day!

  13. I always love seeing videos of you, Speedy <3

    P.S. Sadako gives you little bunny kisses.

  14. I simply love action movies with a handsome manstar
    Hugs madi your bfff

  15. We <3 you lil' jumper :-*

    Woofs from Earl, Ethel and I at Earl's World!

  16. Hey gots some pretty awesome countryside to go running around in....and drag Mom along!

    The Mad Scots

  17. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo shoor do luv yore walkies!!! i think yoo enjoy them eeven more then most dogs i no!!! ok bye

  18. ╰♥╮Absolutely lovely!!! ╰♥╮
    All my best wishes! Aquileana~

  19. Look at you go! That's a lot of patrolling to do, isn't it? Good idea you have the hoomin tied to you, might have gotten lost otherwise ;-) Looks like keeping up with you is quite the workout ;-)


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