Sunday 29 March 2015

Sunday Selfies an adventure!

Hehehe I kinda Moved in this one hehehe nevermind eh?This was taken at a special place we hadn't been before,so I'm going to show you all the photos Mum took at a beauty spot called Badgers Holt,Dartmeet.We went there a week or to ago when we were having nice weather.
This is by the river at Badgers Holt

If you look toward the end of the path you can see the remains of an old Clapper Bridge and a bit behind the modern bridge with the road on it.Clapper Bridges were an ancient type of bridge,most were built in the medieval times but some predate the beginning of the medieval period,there are quite a few on Dartmoor and in Devon,there is even a small one at my dads friends farm still intact.the one at Badgers Holt would have looked a bit like this one when it was still intact at Postbridge.
Mum found this photo on wikipedia of the on at Postbridge
 And she found these on google of the one at Badgers Holt Dartmeet,Just so you could see it close up

And this one is of the river taken by mummy with a little google Magic,mummy has yet to upload the video's she took,but she will I promise.

We are joining the Cat on My Head's Sunday Selfies!


  1. No mention of what the toll was back when it was first put into service?

  2. Mee-you Speedy that Badger'ss Holt place lookss luvley an wee reeelly likess thee clappurr bridgess...
    (Wee watch ALLOT of "Time Teem") ;)
    So glad you an Lady Rachel an Mistur Nick had a hoppy Sunday!!!
    **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum

  3. We'd love to stroll there. You're looking read for Easter; are you?

  4. I have never been there, but my mum said she has very often. My dad originally came from Widecombe in the Moor and they go through Badgers Holt on the way there.

  5. it so much...say Speedy do you like to get wadin in that little creek?

    The Mad Scots

  6. Great pics! Thank you for sharing them with us.
    That water is so clear, but we bet it's cold!

  7. Badger Holt looks like an incredible place, yous going to has to takes me there the next time mes visits.And Speedy yous LOOKS terrific!

  8. That sure is a pretty place Speedy!

  9. love those large boulders, it looks like a magical place! xoxo

  10. Babbling brooks and rushing rivers .....I hold them both close to My heart.Thanks so much for the interesting info. too. Denise

  11. Speedy, you and your mum have the most beautiful places to walk and explore. We always enjoy them and your cute little self. Thanks for being our great friends and for joining and supporting our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. What an amazing place Speedy. Badgers Holt is on my 'to do' list now!
    Lvoes and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  13. What a great place and when the weather is better that water will look so inviting. Have a marvellous Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  14. A very funny selfie Speedy and what a gorgeous place indeed..such ancient history is always super to look at and admire :) loves Fozziemum xxxx

  15. Speedy that was a great sunday walk with you. That bridge looks interesting and I bet you can see a ghost there at night. I hope so much that I can cross the channel once to see all this places :o)
    easy rider

  16. Oh Speedboat, this is an enchanting PLACE! I can hear the water babbling, singing spring. How wonderful that mummy has access to such beautiful places to take you to explore with your senses! MUCH LOVE!

  17. We love your adventures, Speedy. You go to such lovely places.
    Lola and Lexy

  18. OMB.... That is such a BEAUTIFUL location. We loved all the pictures.

  19. What a beautiful place, Speedy. Great Sunday-Selfie-Walks :D Pawkisses for a Sunny Day :) <3

  20. These are awesome pics!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. Wow, Speedy what a gorgeous place ofr a walkie! Love your harness and how it lets you get out-and-about. I bet you had fun.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  22. I love how Speedy always gets to have fun adventures. Harrington and Hannah would be a nervous wreck outside. Such a beautiful place and gorgeous photos.

  23. Wow! magic countryside! <3

  24. Thanks for the history and pretty views. What a dandy spot! Might even be some buried pirate treasure there.

  25. What a beautiful place
    Lily & Edward

  26. What a beautiful place! It is very interesting to see bridges like that. One of the crazy things about living in the US is that there is no ancient history really. The Native Americans didn't build structures that lasted over long periods of time. It would be really interesting to experience old things like that.

  27. We love the pictures and what a lovely place to visit. Sometimes we drive a ways into Kentucky to Shaker Village and we see stone walls built in the early 1800s not as old as your bridges but we find it interesting how they have stood up to time.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  28. Just gorgeous Speedy, thanks for sharing!

  29. Oh Speedy and mummy, MERCI à vous deux for the Dromadaire reply! I can't wait to show the Mr. my card from you. He will enjoy the egg hunt! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  30. Loved your pictures and thanks for the history lesson too. Speedy you are looking very trim since it got warm enough to take off your sweater. Keep up the good work.

  31. Your little rump is very cute!
    It's wonderful that you get to go on so many adventures. Your mom must not be worried about you getting any diseases or parasites being out in all those new places. My mom worries about me getting germs in my own back yard!

  32. Beautiful bunny selfies ... and landscapes! ... Get ready for easter, Sppedy!.
    Virtual hugs to Rachel & you. Aquileana :D

  33. So glad you get to hop around places like that :-) So hoppy for you Speedy!


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