Thursday 12 March 2015

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to this weeks Movie Day!Now get comfy and grab your popcorn and snack and get ready to enjoy the show!

This is me having fun in the garden a couple of weeks ago!

This is from Tuesday's adventure!

Hehehe treat time!

And this is one of my pals,she's called Hazel.I just had to share her with you!

That's all for this week,now don't forget to send me your video links at [email protected] so you can join in my movies days.

Now Guys Don't forget to send in your photo's for my pub event as Part of the guys day out ,send them to the email above by 18th're going to love my pub "Down The Rabbit Hole" the menu for the pub grub will be announced over the weekend! for full detail visit Frankie and Ernie


  1. Nice to see you out and about, Speedy. You do get around! Hazel is one happy bunny too :)

  2. Great movies today Speedy and your friend is just as adorable as can be!

  3. You have the best movies Speedy, they make us smile!

  4. Want to know when the evening showing is please ?
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  5. dood !!! ewe mewve faster N de food serviss gurl !!! N high paws ta hazel, that roll wuz awesum ♥♥♥ grate films this week...we gived em both 984 paws UP !! ♥♥♥

  6. Enjoy the mild sunny weather Speedy we are so lucky. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  7. You wouldn't like eating our grass at all. We're in the desert, so what we have is AstroTurf.

  8. Speedy just HOW do you keep your furs so nice and WHITE???

    That must have been a GOOD treat that your dad gave to you.

  9. I like speedy Hazel..
    You are a real lucky rabbit Speedy.
    You have a safe place to run, play, explore.
    And, when you wear your harness, a big wild playground ...

  10. I luffs watching your videos Speedy!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. OH MY.....this was a great TRIPLE-FEATURE! I must get more popcorn and come back for more! Speedster, you are just so soft looking and cuddly, you MUNCH loudly (those biskies look good for bunnies) and this little Hazel sure knows how to roll! teeeeee


  12. So....Mom makes it kinda hard for you to get out by yourself to munch and do your business....does she always have the flashie beast?.....That Hazel...she could be the energizer bunny!

    The Mad Scots

  13. That Hazel is quite a busy bunny! Loved seeing you enjoying your day, and your treats!

  14. Wow! Speedy! I just LOVE to see your fluffy little tail bouncing! And Speedy, my hairy slobbery sister Cinnamon has some questions.... Does yous heel - like a dog when yous out walking?
    and Does yous makes any noise when yous sees other animals?

  15. O I like it how careful you took the treat... think I want one too now... :o) and your friend Hazel is like an agility bunny, how cool!
    easy rider

  16. How happy hoppy are you Speedy out and about on a gorgeous day and love the munching of treats :) Hazel is adorable too...great videos sweetie :) loves Fozziemum xx

  17. It looks like you had a great time Speedy and Hazel too :)

  18. Looking good Speedy! And Hazel too!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. Hi Speedy, What a cool garden you have! You're in New Zealand...yes? It must be summer there. The snow is melting here and we can see brown grass...whoopee ding!

    Hazel seems rather excited and frantic. She'd fit right in here...cause I get that way too. I love to run throughout the hall...I could chase Hazel and she could chase me back.

    Have a great day my friend.




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