Thursday 19 March 2015

Speedy's Movie Day

Welcome to another Movie Day,so grab your Popcorn and Snacks,grab a comfy seat and enjoy the show!Todays movies are of my outing to Brentor last week,on the top of the tor is St Michael's church which was built in the 19th century,but the site date's back earlier than that as it is also the site of a bronze age hill fort and is surrounded in lots of myths and legends of giants and witches and and the the stones of the church being hurled done the tor by the Devil to stop it being built and a fight between the Devil and Saint Michael of which St Michael won which enabled the church to be built which is said to be built on top of a ley line!So here is me soaking up some of that energy and having a fab time!

Well that's all till next week,but in the mean time if you have a video you want me to post then send the link to me and Mummy at [email protected].

Don't forget guys to send me your photos for my pub guys day out,send them to the above email ,you have till midnight tomorrow,xx Speedy


  1. Nice movies Speedy. Looks likes you are having a fine time there!

  2. You sure know how to have some fun Speedy!

  3. What lovely scenery! You look like you really enjoyed yourself, Speedy.

  4. Speedy.... we love how Handsome you look in your RED SWEATER.... Grrrreat movies...

  5. You didn't give us a food review about the vegetation there.

  6. We love to see you hopping around and giving us a guided tour, Speedy. You look so fine in your red sweater :) Pawkisses :) <3

  7. dood...we enjoyed yur mewvies....we canna get number one ta play tho... ;(

    ya look good in yur sweater harenezz by de way...

    we liked de view in number three... N de giant rock stuff....rocked !!! ♥♥♥

  8. Love seeing your movies Speedy. Hope your having a fun day.
    Sue B

  9. We see you having fun Speedy.Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  10. Looks like you are having fun Speedy. Your mum must have to run to keep up with you when you get moving.

  11. Speedy, you have the cutest sweaters! Thanks for the movies. It's so nice to see you so happy. :)

  12. Speedy....your one busy little guy looking for that perfect morsel.....and funny...keeping Mom hoppin to keep up with you!

    The Mad Scots

  13. You are an adventurous bunny. You're also lucky to go on outings to such lovely and interesting places.

  14. That is amazing countryside with such rich history! I saw the videos on a large screen TV because my son set my laptop up to it!

  15. have you seen a witch or a giant there? that was interesting and I'm glad St. Michael won that battle...imagine you would meet that devil-guy there ...yiiikes!
    easy rider

  16. Oh, there is nothing like a night at the cinema, with a bucket of popcorn, a drink, some bon bons and SPEEDY! teeeheheee...Speedy, you and your little sweater, what a smile I have on my face as I watch your plump little self hop about in this most gorgeous and ancient place. You are sniffing out the centuries of myths and tales, both light and dark, in such an enchanting place. Hold on tight to mummy! Oh how you two make me smile. XOXOXO

  17. Speedy what beautiful countryside...all that GREEN :) and you look super dashig in your sweater ..going from nom to must be wonderful to have food wall to wall!! loves Fozziemum xx

  18. That's such a beautiful place to have a walk, Speedy. You're a lucky rabbit.

  19. Adorable little sweater!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  20. Issn't it grate to bee abull to rambull bout an have sum snackss Speedy?? That TOR iss beeuteefull an mee finkss yur so lucky to get to hippyhoppy on such speshell ground! LadyMum an mee has been watchin "Time Team" an mee iss leernin lotss....yur countree iss so BERRY interestin....
    **paw kissess** Siddhartha an ((huggiess)) LadyMum :)

  21. Speedy! Mes LOVES LOVES LOVES watching yous! Yous gots the best moves EVER!!!


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