Wednesday 30 September 2015

Disapproving Bun Day!

Yes its BACK! Disapproving Bun Day is Back!And haven't we got a corker for you today,it was sent to me by my Auntie Anita.Where she lives every month there is an event held called Hoppy Hour at the Golden Valley Humane society,Minnesota ,this is where everyone who has pet bunnies can bring them to play and socialise with other buns They do have one rule though all buns have to be neutered and spayed.I don't have a name for this Bunny but he's a are you ready?
Hehehe this fellow is mighty strong in Disapproval....hehehe and he's molting like me!

Thanks Auntie Anita for sending in this great Bunny!

Now for more Disapproval hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

And don't forget to send in you photo's of bunnies to my mum at [email protected]

And Don't forget I'm having a birthday party on Saturday....I'll be 4!


  1. No name? How about "No Fun Bun"?

  2. What cuties. Can't wait fur yous pawrty Speedy, they awe always gweat. Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. He looks like a Seymour
    Lily & Edward

  4. dood...we iz knot a loud ta play on line on de week oh endz.... sew we send happee day wishes, birthday fishes, & carrot filled dishes two ewe fora veree happee 4 !!! we hope ewe N joy yur day, hope mum getz ya sum treetz ya like.... & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health ♥♥♥

  5. pee ezz....thiz dizz a provin bun rocks !! ~~~~~~~♥♥♥ ~~~~~~~ waves...nice ta meet ewe dood ☺

  6. teeheee........OH SPEEDY and mum...I am TERRIBLY LATE! I think this bunster is saying to me, "YOU'RE LATE, WOMAN!" We don NOT APPROVE of tardy peeps! teeeheeee

    OH Thank you so much you two, for featuring one of the Hoppy Hour stars! What a fun event this is for me and my husband. We just laugh and laugh because the auditorium is FULL of rabbits. Oh the love.

    Much love to YOU TODAY!

  7. OMP! I love him - snorts! XOXO - Bacon

  8. Oh my mouses! That's one look of disapproval, for sure. Like I said... MOUSES!


  9. GRATE foto of thee T-Rex bunnie!!!!
    LadyMum was all 'oohhhinn an aahhinnn' over him...... ;)
    **nose bumpss** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  10. Happy Birthday sweet Speedy and Bacon sent us


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