Saturday 12 September 2015

Introducing My Date for My Pirate Party on International Speak like a Pirate Day!

It is my pleasure to introduce Queen of the High Sea's....Queen Nellie from The Cat from Hell as My Date for my Pirate Party!
She had us cartoonised specially for the preparations for the big day!
So The Pirate Party is Set for the 19th September on Speak like a Pirate day here's the  Official web site for Speak like a Pirate day as some of you seem to think it's on the 16th that was last years date.Anyway as it is a Saturday they have decided to make it a big weekender event,check out the website to find out all about it!

So you need to get your costumes dusted off and send in your photo's to my Mummy at [email protected] by the 17th so we can add you to the party post!There will be plenty of grub,grog  and music and games on my Ship the SS Speedy and remember this is the big weekender of an event and the best dressed Pirate will win a special prize!


  1. May the fun begin! And I will be a sailor, a spectater, enjoying the ride with CAPTAIN SPEEDBOAT at the helm!

  2. I saw you both on Nellie's blog. You both look so cute, Speedy!! xx

  3. Conkatss to ou an Queen Penelope. LadyMum says yur quite an item...not sure what shee meenss butt shee did say you make a grate cup-pull...
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry
    Pee S: LadyMum has Cemetary antempull an stuff an shee still has to do mee foto....sorry Speedy....shee iss not felin good either. Not sure if mee will make it...

  4. What a nice looking date you have there, Speedy!! We did our photo shoot for TLAP today and will be having Mama send you our pics in the next day or so!!
    Dory, Arty, Jakey & Bilbo


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