Sunday 13 September 2015

Sunday Selfie

These were taken a few weeks ago on a very short lived outing that lasted about 10 minutes before the heavens opened up!

See the rain?And we have more coming in tonight and lots next week after having an nice week this week!

Don't forget to check out all about my Pirate Party next week you have until the 17th to send you photo's in to be in with a chance at being the best dressed pirate giveaway!


  1. My precious Speedy! GOOD DAY! Wow, you are getting dumped on like we did a few days ago! And your bridge there resembles the bridge I drive over every morning to school. OK little pirate, the countdown begins! AVAST!

  2. Glad you got out for 10 mins. Look at all that yammy, lush grass all around you. Do you ever nibble on that fresh stuff? ;-)

  3. Well, at least you got a little time outside, Speedy. Happy Sunday!

  4. We have had lots of rain, too. Always seems to spoil the fun!

  5. Those are some excellent selfies, Speedy! We are glad you got a chance to snap them before it started raining!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  6. At least you managed to get out Speedy. When the rain comes, it is so heavy.

  7. My human likes the old bridge.
    We had a LOT of rain at the end of the night. During the whole day it was almost impossible to go outside. Everything is so wet !
    You look good in the green grass Speedy.

  8. Speedy the Selfie Bunnie!!!! Luv yur fotoss' mee furend...
    Now to get LadyMum to werk on mee foto.....
    **paw patss** Siddhartha Henry xxx

  9. You look so handsome, Speedy. Great selfies :) Pawkisses for a Sunny Week :) <3

  10. Great Selfies, Speedy - we love how your ears stand up so tall!!! We had a lot of rain last week too, but it is truly glorious here this weekend.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  11. Happy Sunday, Speedy! We hope you get sunny skies sooon.

  12. Great shots, S. It looks like your ears are sensing the rain.

    Love and licks,

  13. You look so handsome Speedy. Have a good week.
    Sue B

  14. Speedy you are the selfie king!!

  15. Those are great selfies. Thank you for your kind words on my blog on the loss of my Lucy. XO

  16. Even with the rain my friend, it's beautiful there! XOXO - Bacon

  17. Great selfie Speedy!
    Come by our site...we have a bunny video!
    Have a great week.

    Noodle and crew

  18. It's a good thing you got out before the rains came. But a wet bunny would have made a good photo for Disapproving Bun day.

  19. Oh, how I WISH FOR RAIN here!!! They say it's gonna be a big El Nino, so we will gets what we wish for, I think!
    Anyhu, I LOVED your selfie Speedy! Handsome as always!!!
    Oh, and Ma sent in my pic for Pirate Pawty!!!
    Ruby ♥


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