Friday 18 September 2015

Tis Time for SPeedy's Pirate Party!

Welcome all ye Pirates and Piratess's,Seadogs and Scallywags to Me party,There be Many a barrel of grog and Aye Rum!And many other drinks to quench ye thirst!We much grub to satisfy ye all,There be a salad bar,a Seafood Bar and Seafood BBQ,And such meats in the Meat bar and Meat BBQ that will fill ye bellies for those that need it!



                                                                    Meaty Dishes!

Arrrgh Me fine Shipmates join me and my Beautiful Date Queen Nellie of the High Seas and partake of ye favourite drink ,and toast to a fine party of Drinking,Feasting and Dancing and any other shenanigans ye may think Of!   AVAST!!!!






                                                              Music for Dancing!
And now meet thee Guests of me Gathering! Arrrrghh Tis a fine Gathering of shipmates!All of me Blogging and FaceBook Pals where thee party continues  at Speedy's Annual Pirate Party! on FaceBook!
Queen Nellie and her Crew:Cinnamon,Kozmo and Malou,Levon and Jo-Jo!
Captain Sammy!
Captain Sweet William the Scot!
Captain Odin!
A fellow Bunny Pirate like me Captain Nick!
Captain Kismet!
Captain Dezi!

Captain Lexi!
Captain Easy!
Captain Bacon!

Captain Houdini!
Pirate Lady Jane Grey!
Captain Siddhartha Henry Sparrow and his Queen Phoebe!
Husky Pirate Crew Mika, Koda and Lexus!
Angel Captain Lucy,she wanted to join us from the rainbow bridge!
Pirate Zaphod!
Pirate Hailey!
Pirate Sister Zoe!
Captain Sushi!
Captain Basil Blackheart and his
Crew of his Ship The Crimson Revenge!
Pirate Ruby and her Treasure!
Bayou Pirates Bentley and Pierre!
Captain Silver!
The Pirates from the Love Buns!
Pirate Doc!
The Comet's Corner Pirates Bailey and Eddie!
Captain Dakota!
Captain Cody!
Captain Snugs!
Pirate Shoko!
Angel Captain Nylablue!
Viking Captain Jack!
Cooper The Corsair with his swag!
Pirate Princess Buffy Cat!
Angel Captain Mick and Angel pirate Freddie the gerbil!
Captain Raz with his wenches! see bellow
Wench Allie!
Wench Ellie!
The Pirate Crew from Alasandra :Socks,Scylla,Fenris and Turien!
Captain's Earl and Ethel!
Captain Austin and his pirate crew Tigger and Mini Me!
Captain Lily and Pirate Edward!
Captain's Zoe and Moosey and Gracie!
Captain's Marty and Ralphie!
The crew from The Cat on My Head
Zee 'n' Zoey!
Capt'n Terrible Tim and his Crew!
Capt'n Bloody bess Van aka CK!
Lady Lola and Lexy the Lawless!
Captain Tubby!
Captain Gizmo!
Pirate Ebony!
Captain Peanut

All of ye have been added to my Facebook Party and those of ye who posted there have been added to thee party Here!Arrrgh and any links and new party goers will be added throughout the Weekend!
For those of ye who have sent it photo's and can't see ye selves can ye resend them to rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com seem's some haven't arrived!Google gremlins playing up!


  1. Arrrrrggg me hearties, what fine looking bunch of pirates mew all are!

    Let the marauding and mayhem begin.... Arrrrggggg....

    Bestest pirating purrs

    Captain Basil Blackheart and me scurvy crew aka One-Eye Amber, Posie the Ghost, Peg-Leg Smooch, Parsley the Plank, Horrid Humphrey and Skull Crusher Snowie

  2. teehee.....oh this is SUPER FUN, Captain! AVAST! I am on board, no costume, no bunny or other creature, but I sure wouldn't miss this! I'll take a plate of that fruit and a bit of grog and mingle with the other guests. They are dynamite! (oh they are sooooooo cute, all of them!)

  3. Ahoy landlubber and scurvvvvy pirates..what be happeni here is a real booty of feastin and festivities..scull the rum and spare no meatables...arghhhhhh great party Speedy we be havin a blast matey...Pirate Doc and his scurvy crew xxxxx

  4. We ate and drank so much that if you asked us to walk the plank we would sink.

  5. ay!! Let the party begin!!! Pirates Bacon and Houdini

  6. You're such a great host, Speedy! Fun pawty!

  7. Hey Bailey and Eddie-is your parrot male and single?

  8. Oh my dawg we still must be floating on the water unless mom sent our picture who knows where! Now pass the rum!!
    Peace baby
    Lily & Edward

  9. Speedy, what a great party! I bypassed the salads to straight to the meat offerings!

    I'm so mad at the lady for not getting our pictures ready in advance for this.


  10. Speedy, how did you know that I always wanted to be a pirate? And here is my chance. I will ask Cooper the Cattledog if he wants to come as well. Buffy Cat said she'll only come if you have some catnip grog. I myself have my nose on the shrimp. We will be back with all our swag soon!

  11. Ahoy there matey. This is some pirate pawty you are throwing. Look at all that food. You must have been out pillaging all night to come up with all this food and drinks. As Bacon said above - let the pawty begin.

  12. Ahoy! We had a great time at yer party th' grub was great!

    th' Florida Furkids

  13. Now that's a great big bunch of good looking pirates!

  14. Great party! Miss Lola was too shy to dress up, but she did peek in to admire all the pirate gear (and sample the salads and sip a carrotini). Thanks for the invite!

  15. "Mee iss AGOG with thee GROG......
    Mee tumbullss like a log!!
    Thiss pawty iss pawsum
    An Cap'tinn Speedy yur awesum...
    Let's sing an let'ss dance
    an maybe even wee prance!!!
    Wee eatss an bee merry.....
    an wee sail an not terry...
    Wee are Pie-Ratsss in armss...
    Wee are swashbucklerss with charmss!!!
    Avast mee heart-eess bee aware...
    We make you walk thee plank if you shudder an stare...
    Wee are Pie-Ratss an furendss....
    Frum now till thee endss!!!!
    A Pie-Rat ode by Cap'tinn Purrince Siddhartha Henry Sparrow

    1. Siddhartha, That is a mighty fine ode. We like it bunches and know Speedy will as well. XOCK, Kitties Blue

  16. Meeeeeow Speedy everyfin'and everypawdy looks gweat.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  17. Such a fun pawty, Speedy!!! Thanks for hosting!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. Avast ye Matey, I be pillaging all your grog. Ye be having lots of yummy's and I be staying til my belly be full.

    Wiggle Butt the Pirate(Ziggy OUt!!_

  19. Aarrrghhhh. What a Pahteeee!!!! You Go Speedy!

    (Oh - sleep in tomorrow!)

  20. Argh! Ye really know how to fetch a jolly party, Speedy!

  21. Ahoy there matey ~ are there any scurvy bilge rats on board? No Lubbers better show up here. Well blow me down and pass me a round of that rum. Party Party Party
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot

  22. Ahoy, it's clear sailing with this fine crew, grog and grub!

  23. Arrr! What a fine pirate bun ye make! And a truly worthy pirate party ye throw! We'd love to take part, we're all dressed up for the day! Yo ho ho, pass the grog!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Aaaaargh! You are having quite the party, Speedy!! I haven't submitted my pic, but will go and link to you on the blog post xoxoxox

  26. That's sound really fun.
    Too bad that I cannot come. That's my human fault. She did nothing to help me look like a pirate.

  27. Arrrgh... a bottle of rum is the best after a margarita-hangover, right? and some seafood what loves to swim in rum :o) Many thanks for such a super cool pawty for all pirates and captains...Awwwhoy!

  28. Great party Speedy. Happy pirate day!
    Sue B

  29. Wow, when you throw a party ...!!! And you have the best crew ever.

  30. Speedy, Thank you so much for adding us. You are such a good friend. This looks like the biggest turnout ever. And all the noms are incredible. We are ready to party into the wee hours of the morning! You are the top pirate in the blogosphere, Cap'n Speedy. Sending you and Mom Rachel lots of love! XOCK from your pirate friends, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo ARGH!

  31. Avast Cap'tinn Speedy mee Bucko let's chase sum buxom wenchess!!!
    Yur Pie-Rat matey,
    Cap'tinn Siddhartha Henry Sparrow =^,.^=

  32. Wow ! What a pawsome pawty ! We're sorry we missed the link stuff and sending pic stuff (shame on Mum for being busy and letting us offline, boooo. Yo ho ho, let's pawty ! Purrs

  33. Speedy yeee crazed hopping pirate what a party with all the booty we have gotten through the year. We shall stop by yer FB and hope we can be added to this fine get together. If half aint shot or run through as the grog flows YARRRRRR
    Capt’n Terrible Tim and Crew

  34. Wow what a great party you had!!! Lots of great food and pirates!!

  35. Aye Captain Speedy! You certainly pulled out all of the stops!! Dakota and I meant to get here earlier but he had to jump out of our ship to take a pee and then we got lost! I decided to take a nap and FINALLY, here we are!
    This is one fine Pirate spread of food and I am proud to be among some of the BEST looking Pirates in the Blog-o-sphere! Everyone looks great!
    Thanks for all of this tasty bounty and thanks for ALL of your hard work in putting this together!
    Now, could you please pass the rum? Dakota and I want to get snockered!!!
    Captain Cody


    Captain Dakota

  36. Avast!!! This is such a pawesome pirate party, Cap'n Speedy!

  37. Am I too late to join the pawty? Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day.

  38. Ye really know how to throw a jolly good party, my friend! Thanks for inviting us. ☺

  39. Great party Speedy. Phoebe and her purrince had lots of fun and I am glad you let angels attend too :)

  40. Wee wants to say a heartee FANKSS Cap'tinn Speedy fur hostin such a pawsum Pie-Rat pawty!!! Wee totallee enjoyed ourselves an hope wee can do thiss next yeer (altho' mee not goin to drink that grog, mew mew mew....)
    Aunty Nylalbue has gone back to Pure Land with a Cheshire :) on her face an that made us all so happy also.
    Purrincess Phoebe iss safelee home n mee iss back with LadyMum.....
    Yur thee bestest mee furend!!!
    ~~~~head rubsss~~~~ Sleepy Siddhartha Henry (aka a berry pooped out Pie-Rat)

  41. What a great pawty, Speedy. I haven't time to join this year, but I enjoyed all of the crew. Have a great time all together. Extra purrate Pawkisses :) <3

  42. what a great post! Love your pirate piccies!
    Looks like you had an awesome pawty! Excellent piccies. :=o)

  43. I missed the party, but I sure would like to help clean up any left over snacks!

  44. We arrrrr sure sorry we missed your pirate party. We were on an blogging break cause mommy needed help exercising. We will make sure she walks the plank fur her having us miss your parrr-ty.

  45. Arrrrrrrrr! Looks like you had a great Pirates Day Speedy! Love Dolly

  46. What amazing artwork. You are very skilful.

  47. Oh Speedy I am sorry to be so late commenting, but I have so enjoyed seeing the FOOD and the amazing costumes. There are so many gorgeous pictures here Silver and I are really impressed. Thank you for a lovely party and a lovely post.


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