Thursday 10 September 2015

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to movie day! I have the latest video's from my last adventure for you!grab your snack's and get comfy and enjoy the show!

And another reminder for my Pirate party!
Remember my Party is set for Speak like a pirate day 19th September so get your pirate party costumes dusted off and send in your Photo's to my mum at [email protected] by the 17th September so we can add you to the post and remember there's a prize for the best dressed pirate!I can't wait to present my Pirate Queen to you all!This weekender party is going to be so much fun!


  1. Speedy, you eat the grass and not the weeds. I wish you could train our wild buns to eat the weeds and leave what the peeps want left.

  2. Hey, it's Speedy the Quick Bun! I sure hope I can find my Pirate hat!

  3. dood...we canna get mewvie 2 ta play ?? way kewl yur mum spotted a butterflies in mewvie three....looks like a nice day with a a nice breeze !! ♥♥♥

  4. How fun to wander and have a nibble of grass, Speedy!

  5. Mee-you grate movies Speedy....went well with mee treetss an LadyMum had sum pizza!!! You are thee grate-est!!!!
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  6. Looks like it was very sunny and a pleasant day to be outside for some fun romps.

  7. Speedy mes can't wait! Even Jo Jo and Kozmo and Cinnamon is getting excited!

  8. oh I had lunchtime with grass today too... and later... well ya know :o) my pirate picture is ready, I hope there is a place for me in your fearless pirate crew :o)

  9. Good morning sweetest pirate! I don't know of any other pirate I'd want to hang out with but YOU. I am looking forward to the fun! BIG HUGS to you!

  10. Awesomesauce! I will go into the closets this weekend to get our costumes. I can't wait! XOXO - Bacon

  11. Oh I love it! Great videos!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!


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