Wednesday 20 January 2016

Disapproving Bun Day

It's Disapproving Bun Day and we have a great Bunny today,it's my pal Leeloo and he has a lot to be disapproving of......
"You're Late Home Mum! now clean up my mess and get me my snack and make it Snappeh!"

Hehehe his mummy told us the in this photo he had turned his house up side down and pooped in it,you have to look carefully but you can see he's not happy thanks to his mum Yveline for sending it in!

Remember we always need more photo's of Disapproving Bunnies so send them into [email protected].

And for more Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun!

And to see what has got me Disapproving this week please check out Pet Dyes and Rabbits is it Safe? in case you missed it.


  1. I couldn't see him at first, but sure enough, then he popped out and I could read his disapproval loud and clear!

  2. You are so very cute pal. I had trouble seeing him at first too, but finally saw him.

  3. Whoa! We bet his mom learned a lesson there!

  4. We can see he's disapproving, for sure. We bet his mum got the message, loud and clear! :)

  5. speedy....dood...yur pal haza rite ta bee diz a provinn...hiz mum gettin in frum werk at oh dark o food servizz gurl heer in trout towne does that a we noe what leeloo'z talkin bout ! ♥♥

  6. We better have a good talk with momma
    Lily & Edward

  7. Oh yea, Leeloo is disapproving for sure!

  8. Leeloo must have been very upset to upend his house and use it as a litter box. Hopefully his day got better.

  9. LeeLoo is flipping houses. Cool.

  10. Well good morning everyone! YIKES! That rabbit was NOT HAPPY! Snapping his little paw toes and telling mum to get his snacks now....teeeeheheee...AND FLIPPING HIS HOUSE?Wow, that rabbit is powerful!

    Hello Speedy boy! Looking sweet in your sweater and I do hope more and more people see that article you wrote on the dye. That definitely must stop.

  11. LOL about the house flipping/poop incident. Luckily brown dawgs' houses are too big for them to flip or I am sure they would like to try that trick.

  12. Give me a second...taking notes on how to act when mom is late home from work... awesome!! Love this my friend. XOXO - Bacon

  13. Indeed, mark of a professional disapprover ;-) <3


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