Wednesday 27 January 2016

Disapproving Bun Day!

Well todays Star of Disapproving Bun Day it Me!Seriously I'm Disapproving of my dad this week....
Dad gave me a surface wash of my furs because I got a little grubby and then he cleaned out my scent glands on my not cool just because I was smelling Rabbity as dad puts it and to top it all he clipped my nails too!!!! So not cool Dad....I demand extra treats for this and then off to the tar pits for you until I deem you worthy again!!!!

We always need photo's of bunnies showing their Disapproval so send them into [email protected] and I will feature them as my next star of Disapproving Bun Day!

and for more Buns at their disapproving best hop on over to Disapproving Bun


  1. The indignities, Speedy! Pierrot understands. His dad (big guy) cleans his bum with baby wipes and clips his nails. Treats cover a multitude of indignities, though. Hope you get your favorite, cutie!

  2. Smelling Rabbity... MOL! We can only imagine. Indeed, demand extra treats but don't disapprove of your dad too long. He was only making sure you are extra adorable for all your fans!

  3. WHAT???? Your Dad did all that to you???? We are SHOCKED...
    NO WONDER you disapproved of HIM and his Dastardly Deeds... WE do TOO!!!

  4. Hey Speedy!
    Wow, I don't blame you for disapproving of that! Ptththtt. Just when we start to smell just right, the peeps go to work on us. BOL
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, Police Commish

  5. Oh yea Speedy, we disapprove right along with you!

  6. Poor Speedy! The indignity of being washed by a hoomin!!!


    Still, at least you are "fresh 'n' clene" now, Speedy!

    You are right: The hoomin MUST now compensate you!
    And he'd better Make It Snappeh!

  7. Oh Speedy you will soon be correctly scented once more. He was just fluffing you up for us fans to goggle at! Cutie pie!


  8. That is quite the look of disapproval, Speedy! I hope that your Dad at least used a shampoo with a scent you enjoy. You look nice when you are clean! :)

  9. Aww poor Speedy. At least it's all done.
    Sue B

  10. That sounds like a really bad day, Speedy. Are you even speaking to your dad? XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth ad Calista Jo

  11. speedy....dood....we iz diz a proovin two & we iz knot even bunz !!!! ♥♥♥

  12. I disapprove of nail clippins too.

  13. Yes, Speedy, you need proper compensation after going through all that!

  14. The dogs have to put up with grooming. You have to put up with grooming. Hahahaha, I don't!

  15. speedy, we know the feeling, but then they tell you they do it all because they love you:)

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  16. That is just ghastly! I am glad you got some treats out of it though. P.S. Blueberry thinks rabbity smells are the best!

  17. Speedy, we can understand why you're disapproving today!

  18. Such torment you endured. Hopefully you're fresher smelling now. Mom likes my kitty scent but doesn't like it when I start smelling "dusty".

  19. Oh my piggy heavens - the nerve of your dad. Just when you had your scents the way you wanted, he messed them up. EXTRA TREATS STAT! XOXO - Bacon

  20. Oh boy, Speedy!! You poor bun!!! But hey, don't you feel much better now?
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. Now that isn't a good look for such a fine bunny... seeks redress from your dad ASAP and/or treats. purrs Erin

  22. Dubble thumpss fur Pappaw!!! That iss one 'diss-approvin' look there Speedy!!! Mew mew mew...
    Wee hopesa you got LOTSS of treetss aftur such treetmint!! ;)
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXxXx


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