Sunday 10 January 2016

Sunday Selfies....a chilly Friday adventure

Hello everybody this week's Sunday selfies was taken on Friday we had a dry spell for a couple of hours so mummy took me to Badgers Holt at Dartmeet again.Everywhere is water logged so this was the best place because I could stay on the path if I wanted to.

I really don't like getting wet paws!

Coming up Next week is Disapproving Bun Day on Wednesday and My Movie day is starting again on Thursday with my Christmas day Movie and some from My adventure to Badgers Holt.


  1. I'm glad you were able to get outside a little, Speedy!

  2. I can't imagine a wabbit going for a walk on a leash, let alone with a coat or sweater! An amazing wabbit you are!

  3. Keep those paws properly clean sweet Speedster! Oh how I love your sweater and you need it now; the cold has blown in! And dearest ones, is there flooding out your way? Here in the USA there are regions that have getting more rain than optimal, causing terrible floods. Be well, safe and keep those paws dry! (I LOVE all these photos of your feet!)

  4. You are just the cutest bunny ever. It's funny cuz I don't like getting my paws wet either. We also didn't know bunnies could be leash trained, so were very impressed to see you walking with a leash.

  5. Speedy, we are so happy you had the opportunity to get outside for a little adventure and share the photos with us. We got our terrific gift from you a couple of days ago. Mom is going to post about it on Tuesday. We have always wanted one of those, especially since our humans gave one to the shelter. Sending lots of love to you and Mom Rachel. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Look how cute you are! You look so adorable cleaning your paws.

  7. Those are great selfies Speedy.

  8. Hi Speedy! Those are some fine selfies, though we're sorry the ground is so full of water. We hate getting wet paws, too. Thanks for following our blog. We just followed you back, and look forward to your adventures. :)

  9. I'm not a fan of walking on wet myself.

  10. Glad you got out to stretch you legs a bit Speedy! Have a great Easy!

  11. Grate selfiess Speedy an thee last foto of you hoppin away was a purrfect 'endin' to yur bloggie post! Yur so clevurr mee furend!
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xXx

  12. Glad to see you enjoying the great outdoors, lovely photos, specially the last one

  13. Wet paws ARE quite annoying, aren't they?

  14. Glad you were able to get out Speedy. I like paddling in the water, but my mum tries to stop me.

  15. Nice coat or sweater you have, Speedy. We had a lot of wet last week too, now it is bitter cold. But we do like the colder temps (not Mom).

    Happy Sunday.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  16. Speedy, you look so cute in your sweater. Maybe you need some boots so your feet don't get wet.

  17. You sweater selfies always make us smile, Speedy!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  18. I don't like wet paws either. Stay high and dry!

  19. It's lovely to see you, although I know what you mean about we paws UGH!! Have a good week!!


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