Sunday 17 January 2016

Sunday Selfies

Well I have a few Selfies for you today the first 2 are from my trip the the beach Thursday...

And this is from Yesterday mummy took me up on the moors to see if there was any snow from Friday's flurries and guess what there was...not much but just enough for me to explore....

I'm not sure about this white stuff its a bit cold on the old toesies....

 You will see on my sidebar that we have added some extra links for bloglovin,my Wordpress version of my blog and of course there is my Facebook page too.Just to help those who have lost their ability to follow through Google Friends Connect.


  1. Great selfies, Speedy... but brrr! It looks cold out there with those patches of snow!

  2. SPEEDY BUNNY! You need some snow slippers son, like the kind the dogs where HERE.....we have icy, cold and treacherous streets and the creatures need to keep their footsies dry!

    YOU are on Wordpress? I just started a website on WP but it's not activated yet. I will go see you! XOXOX

  3. I have never met such a fashionable Bunny!

  4. Oh my gosh, Speedy you are adorable in your sweater! Now you need little booties so the cold snow won't freeze your toes :)

  5. We don't love the white stuff either. At least yours is so little you can stand on it.

  6. Nice selfies, Speedy! How naet that you got to explore outside, but we bet it was nice to get back inside to warm up your toes. :)

  7. I don't want to be at the beach at this time of year.

  8. Beautiful selfies, Speedy ! Purrs

  9. Yur sweater iss so manlee an you look so happy inn thee ferst 2 fotoss an a bit chilley inn thee rest!!! Wood you like to come visit mee an play inn 4 feet of snow Speedy??? Mew mew iss snowin hard again tonite.....mee-you wee sure have Winter now! ;)
    ~~head rubsss~~ Siddhartha Henry~~

  10. Speedy, It amazes me what an adventurous bunny you are going out in the wild and even in the snow.

  11. Wonderful adventure, Speedy :-) Glad to see you hopping in the snow.

  12. You always do great selfies, Speedy! It does look very cold though!! xxx

  13. We had our first snow of the year on Sunday, Speedy. It snowed pretty hard for two hours and then melted right away. It has now turned bitterly cold. Thanks for hopping with us. MOL! You actually are the one who isn't hopping figuratively! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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