Wednesday 2 December 2020

Speedy's Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown Day 2!

 Wow first I have to say Thank You to those that have sent in their entries to my Countdown. Its Pawsome That we have some so soon. But Remember I can't do this without you because Christmas Events and places to see are very thin on the Ground this year due to the Pandemic....a lot has been cancelled which is very sad but our peeps safety comes first....SO I REALLY NEED YOU and your photo's this year more than ever!!!

So I need you all to send in your Photo's of you with your trees, in your Christmas outfits, anything to do with the Holiday Season no matter what you Celebrate! Then I will pick my Favourite 3 after my final post on Christmas Day and they will get a little gift for the Holiday in the new year!

So The rules are simple your photos have to be in by 5am on Christmas Morning UK time to be included for the give away!

How Easy is that? I will be doing a post every day right up to the final post on Christmas Day and then I will go over the the photos to Pick my Favourite 3! Isn't that COOL? Email them into me at [email protected]

You can also enter via my Facebook Event here as all photos entered will be posted there too!

So here is the First Entry of This Years Count Down....Its of my pal Garfield with his tree and then the tree on its own all lit up. Thanks to my Aunty Sue for sending these're pawsome!

Garfield looks so cute all cuddled up by his tree and the lights look so pretty!

Anyway mum did manage to take a video of the lights in my back garden, so here it is

Have you got Christmas Lights outside? Then We would love to share them to so send in video links or photo's to the email above or on my Facebook Event...the Details are at the top of this post. And remember to come back tomorrow for day 3 of my Countdown!


  1. Wish I could of got a better photo of the lighted tree. Have a great day.

  2. What's the point of decorating when you can't invite anyone over to see?

  3. Garfield and his tree are so, so purrty! I'm not sure we are putting up a tree, the ZH says our 'partment is so tiny and me being so young she's also afraid I'll rip it apart!
    She says maybe I get a "virtual" tree, since everything else in da world in virtual now, why not!

  4. That's a wonderful kitty Christmas photo!

  5. garfield yur foto iz awesum and speedy yur litez bee awesum two....

    we iz knot a loud ta haz a tree but we will see if de gurl can get
    uz with a card !!! ☺☺♥♥

  6. Very nice tree, and sweet kitty napping:)

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. Garfield and his tree look great, Speedy!

  8. Garfield has a lovely tree. Watching your backyard lights video I thought...those swirly lights would keep my kittens entertained for a while.


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