Saturday 19 December 2020

Speedy's Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown Day 19!

 Its Day 19 of my Countdown and in a few more days it will be Christmas, and we are in the final push for my Countdown and we have a new entry and mum took some decent photos of our trees and I did a Christmas Photo shoot too....I thought I had better do some work after all this is my Blog....

Mum manage to get some Reasonable ones, but my guess we will have to try for some more....hehehehe

Anyway I need to ask you all again to send in your photo's so we can keep my Countdown Going!

So I need you all to send in your Photo's of you with your trees, in your Christmas outfits, anything to do with the Holiday Season no matter what you Celebrate! Then I will pick my Favourite 3 after my final post on Christmas Day and they will get a little gift for the Holiday in the new year!

So The rules are simple your photos have to be in by 5am on Christmas Morning UK time to be included for the give away!

How Easy is that? I will be doing a post every day right up to the final post on Christmas Day and then I will go over the the photos to Pick my Favourite 3! Isn't that COOL? Email them into me at [email protected]

You can also enter via my Facebook Event here as all photos entered will be posted there too!

I had a glitch with my Facebook Event but it has been fixed now! 

Now on to Todays Entry and This is a very pawsome and Christmassy photo....But with my pals the OP Pack over at The Chronicle of Woos we shouldn't Expect anything Less from those Huskies!

All they need is Snow and it will be perfect for them! Next up My Aunty Di wanted me to share her Christmas tree with you all and I have to say its very pretty....

Now for so more of me working for a living....Did you know Mum forgot to give me a treat? The Horror of it all fancy working for no treats...I told she owes me double pay for that...

Come Back tomorrow because we have a Christmas Selfie of Me, and Of our pal Stormin Norman and a photo of one of my Trees before we head into the final push for my Countdown!!! See you then!


  1. Thank you for sharing our photo, Speedy. We are all very excited for Christmas even though it will a lot different from other years. We are all just so thankful that Misty is back home with us and our Pack is complete again.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  2. Terrific photos Speedy and those Woos look amazing!

  3. How lovely to see your Christmas preparations, Speedy. We haven't seen your blog for a long time as my isn't at all reliable. Perhaps I should consider relocating. Your friend, Sasha

  4. So many wonderful photos today. The Woos Huskies are adorable in their holiday attire. Both your tree and Aunt Di's are beautiful. Her's is so colorful and yours looks very elegant. And you look so handsome in your Christmas scarf.

  5. We are really enjoying your annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown, Speedy. You sure do look handsome with your tree, and we loved seeing Aunty Di's tree and the Chronicle of Woos gang. :)

  6. Well, my human finally just got the tree out. Now maybe if I'm lucky, she will get to actually putting it up.

  7. Since you get nothing, what good is doubling that do?

  8. I love each and every one of these photos! They are so festive!

  9. I bet those huskies doggies can't wait to play in the snow and catch snowflakies on their tongues on Christmas day. Purr purr purr.


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