Monday 7 December 2020

Speedy's Annual Christmas and Holiday Countdown Day 7!

 Its now the 7th December and we are a week into my Countdown And its all thanks to you guys for helping me out with all your photos. But please keep them coming in because I still need you to keep my Countdown going because Christmas activities and places to visit are few and far between!

So I need you all to send in your Photo's of you with your trees, in your Christmas outfits, anything to do with the Holiday Season no matter what you Celebrate! Then I will pick my Favourite 3 after my final post on Christmas Day and they will get a little gift for the Holiday in the new year!

So The rules are simple your photos have to be in by 5am on Christmas Morning UK time to be included for the give away!

How Easy is that? I will be doing a post every day right up to the final post on Christmas Day and then I will go over the the photos to Pick my Favourite 3! Isn't that COOL? Email them into me at [email protected]

You can also enter via my Facebook Event here as all photos entered will be posted there too!

Today we have some treats for you, we have 2 new entries and some Christmas light to show you but first we need our entries. 1st up is Brian and Dolly from Brian's home underneath their Christmas Tree....

They are on Santa watch. I guess all the brothers and sisters at Brian, are taking turns just like they do every year! Who can blame them, it looks very comfy under there!

Next we have Aunty Angela's Rowena she's very gently checking out her tree....
She's a sweet girl, isn't she?

Now time for a special tree, I sent mum out as a roving reporter for me to snap some photo's of some of the lights that have been put up locally around our village. They are a bit blury but they are pretty.....

More have gone up since mum took these, so I need to send her out again and take some more and maybe some video too! 

Anyway don't forget to come back tomorrow as we have some more treats for you all!


  1. Good morning and the countdown is on! Have a lovely day everyone!

  2. Such a pretty village ... yes, visit again so we can see more! And today's cards as so very lovely!

  3. Hi Speedy and family....what a fun have lots of Merry and Bright in your neighborhood.
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Thanks for sharing our photo Speedy. Rowena is such a cutie and I love seeing all of those Christmas lights.

  5. speedy...dood....we just reel eyesed we waz commintin on werd press...we wundered why yur page looked a bit diffrunt !!!! ☺☺♥♥☺☺♥♥

  6. I knew that was Brian's furmily right away!!!!

  7. Brian and Dolly look very comfy under their tree. And Rowena is a very good girl to be gentle with her tree.

  8. I get the chills just looking at it. It is supposed to be 72F 22C here today.

  9. TW has trouble photographing those outdoor Christmas lights also. Adorable shot of Brian and Dolly.


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